Chapter 1: New School

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Angel had just turned 20, and she had recently moved away from her parents to attend a university for all women. From what she had heard about it, it was nice school, besides it was for all women. It had amazing teachers, well built classrooms and more. What more could she have asked for? She started her first day Monday, and she had arrived there on a Saturday night. She took the time to go sightseeing and look at the outside of the building. Angel was almost perfect to anyone standards. She was beautiful looking, she wasn't too tall, or too small. Being 5'8 and she was smart too. That Monday morning she had woken up early too. Getting ready with what she typically had. An early bird breakfast. Eggs, bacon, grits, and pancakes. She didn't have anyone with her, she had just moved in and she didn't know anyone here. Getting ready for her day, wearing the "uniform" for the school. It was just a recommendation of a school upon her moving.

After a while or so, she walked, because she didn't know the bus routes to the school and she didn't have a car at the moment. Walking through and following behind the line of girls walking into the school too. From faint view, it looked like they had metal detectors. She didn't want to spark no conversation with anyone because she didn't know what to expect. Going in and getting checked by the security guard. They were told to go to the cafe for breakfast, Though she had already ate breakfast, she just used it as an excuse to make new friends. Grabbing her food and sitting at a table alone. She had looked around. Soon walking the way was two girls. An albino, which was unique, at least to her. She huffed and allowed them over.

"This seats taken?" She asked her as she sat down. The girl that came with her had said nothing but not even that, she didn't even sit either.

"Well, they are now." Angel had gave a small chuckle. Trying too hard.

"Hm. Why don't you take a seat, Mary." The albino had spoken in a smooth soft tone. And apparently Mary had listened like someone just snapped her out of a trance. "I'm Cris'Mary. Mary's sister."

Angel gave a tilt of her head, they hardly looked like it, well. From a closer looked they shared some looks. Besides skin color. "Oh! You must be her older sister?"

Angel had felt the movement of Cris''s hand. It looked like it was placed on the sisters thigh. She didn't want to look under there and confirm it, she wasn't ready to know what was there.

Cris'Mary finally replied. "I am not. I'm actually the younger sister by a year, one year younger than Mary. "Mary, introduce yourself."

The way she had spoke to her older sister threw Angel off. Maybe it was some kind of gimmick that they do to new students, or maybe a prank. She couldn't jump to conclusions now.

"I'm Mary, Cris'Mary older sister. And her best friend." The way she had said best friend threw her off. It sounded different from what your typical girl would say. But, still no conclusions.

"That's great! I'm Angel! I had just came here from a different school. And I Well. Don't know anyone." It seemed as if Mary would never open her mouth unless asked, maybe she's hard of hearing, or even a silent type, her sister could be a guide.

"That's nice, but I guess introductions are as far as we will get, the bell for getting to first period is about to start. I hope we will eventually get to be friends!" She said with a bright smile at Angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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