Chapter Seven

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This was hell.

Bonnie was in hell.

Well, it was a good run while it lasted.

In the last six months, she'd had so many regrets. They would probably pass in time. They would probably disappear altogether and she'd laugh about it later.

But right now, Bonnie couldn't stop crying.

She was angry. She was sad. She was a mixture of everything in between.

Bonnie wanted to die and Kai wasn't letting her. But she'd be damned if she watched her kids becoming victims to the dark customs of the Gemini. She wouldn't watch this and Kai wouldn't make her watch.

It was a stand-off in the kitchen. There was no one else in the house. Just them. The kids were staying with friends or family. Kai had wanted them to be alone for this conversation.

She sneered. He should have known that this talk would spiral into this.

She wiped the blood from her cheek and picked up the knife. The knife he'd managed to knock out of her hand twice now. Bonnie wouldn't let him do it a third time. Kai knew this. His eyes followed the blade as she pressed it against her neck. A thin trail of red wept from the edge.

"Don't. Move."

"Bon..." Kai slid his foot forward, his hands held up just in front of him.

The knife went deeper into her skin. Bonnie had barely felt the pain. But Kai looked like he had been the one wounded. She wouldn't hesitate. "I said don't move."

His hands curled into fists before lowering to his sides. "Bonnie... I can fix this. Let me fix it!"

She laughed as angry tears slid down her face. "And how do you plan to do that, huh Kai? What great master plan have you been keeping from me that is going to stop one of our children from dying?"

It was like she'd kicked him in the gut. "Bon-"


Her hands trembled - the knife moving away from her skin. She'd unknowingly given him an opening and it was too late to recover it back. Kai moved in faster than she could have imagined. His hands moved to grasp her wrists and a searing hot pain flashed through her. Her power was being sucked right out of her.

Kai hadn't siphoned her in years. Bonnie didn't have the foresight to stop him with her magic. If she did, there was a chance she'd kill him. Regardless of how angry she was, she couldn't bring herself to destroy him.

Someone had to be around to make sure their family was taken care of.

Her vision was skewing and the world was going toward a raw-tilt. But she still tried to fight him, screaming at the top of her lungs even though she already knew what he was trying to do. This was Kai's way of sedating her - of getting her to simmer down.

Bonnie felt her knees give out and the world blurred around her. She never felt the ground because she knew Kai had prevented her from hitting it. A wave of nausea crashed into a wave of dizziness and she still kept fighting. She still kept screaming. But Kai wasn't siphoning from her anymore and her magic was flaring back to life. Bonnie was angry and she wanted to bring on the pain.

Even if it was her own.


Kai's weight flew off of her and there was a loud crash. He grunted loudly and the sound of broken glass crunching underfoot was all she heard before lifting herself up off the ground. Shaking her head roughly, Bonnie's body felt like it was on fire - as though flames were licking her from the ankles up and she didn't care.

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