chapter 4- school/surprise

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I wake up when I hear my alarm going off i throw it against the wall and get up, headed to the bathroom i am not ready for this day it's friday which means there is always a party going on which means i will be there, i wonder who is going to throw the party though?
I start to get dressed i put on a black shirt with skinny jeans and with my favorite boots. I walk to where all of my jewelry is at and grab a cross necklace and my bracelets and grab my beanie and head out of my room.
I go downstairs to see Maria my nanny/ caretaker making breakfast. She has been out of town for about a month on personal business with her son Mason who is like a brother to me because we have known each other for about 12 years since his mother started working for my family. He is 8 months older than me and he lives with his father in new york.
"Good morning Maria, how was your trip?"
"It went great and i have a surpise for you when you get home Daphne."
"What is it? You know i don't like suprises Maria. "
"I can't tell you, you'll see when you get home okay now off to school. Oh are you going out tonight?"
"Yeah i probably will, you can have the night off if you want to. Maybe see that man you won't tell me about hmmm." I tell her while trying to see her reaction, also while trying not to laugh. She has been seeing this man for about 6 months now and won't tell me anything about him.
"I have to see where it goes before i tell you Daphne. Now get to school before you are late and try not to get into trouble please i don't need your parents on my case about you getting in trouble again. Got it?"
Yeah yeah i don't even know why they care." I say as i head out the door to my bike. I love my bike so much she is my baby. I get on her and start her up hearing her purr to life is the sweetest sound ever.

I get to school and pull into the first spot i saw and parked

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I get to school and pull into the first spot i saw and parked. I turned her off and saw some guys looking at me with lustful eyes. I pull my bag out of the safety compartment on my bike and head inside to my locker. I get to my locker and take my books out of my locker then closing it and turn around ready to walk to class when i spot Maya talking to.... Jasper. I stand there watching them talk and i see her blush and decide to text her about their little encounter when i get to class. I turn around and walk to class.
Class passes by fast and it's time for lunch. I see my friends sitting at our table. I go sit down at our table and start talking to Maya. 
Hey why were you talking to jasper this morning? I ask her while eating a grape.
Oh he asked about me tutoring him in math. She said trying not to look happy and play it cool.
Oh yeah you should be thanking me for that.
What? How? What do you mean? She asks pounding me with questions.
When emmett came over last night he mentioned that Jasper needed a tutor so i told him that you could tutor him and told him to talk to you, your welcome.
What really thank you so much, i mean yeah it's whatever I'm just glad i could help him. She says trying to keep her cool.
Lunch went pretty good after that and before i knew it i was on my way to my car about to head home when i heard someone calling my name so i turn around and see Emmett coming closer to my bike.
Hey what's up Emmett?
I was gonna see if we could work on our project before the weekend?
Oh i was gonna go to a party tonight so it can't be to long like an hour or two okay?
Okay thats fine i just want to get this over with.
Okay follow me home and we can get started. I tell him grabbing my helmet and getting on my bike.
About 15 mins later we pull up at my place. I see Maria's car gone so she must be with her mystery man. I gst my keys out and unlock my door with Emmett on my heels we walk in and i see the last person i thought would be in my house standing there.................

Oh cliffhangers suck i try to update everyday but i dropped my phone a few days ago so I'm haveing to use my girlfriend's phone and she works alot so i update when i can. Who do you think is in her house??? Comment who you think is in her house.

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