I don't really what im doing lol

14 1 5

So this is the first time I've ever been tagged in a challenge like this

I've been tagged by Mishy2002

Ten things 'bout me:
1. I can't sing but I love listening to music
2. I love gaming and sports
3. I love Zayn Malik and Halsey, their songs are amazing
4. I'm really awkward around people I've just met
5. I love animals
6. I love travelling
7. I hate creamy ice cream (don't try to decipher what I'm saying) but popsicles are amazing
8. I get easily distracted
9. I'm good at keeping secrets
10. I love reading and writing books

The 28 people I'm tagging;

Wait, I've got only a few friends on Wattpad. So, I'll be tagging people later.

What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
Answer--A carrot

I know, very original

Phoenix has superpowers.

I'm gonna update this later but this is all I could do

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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