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~ Y/n's POV ~

You stare at Justin completely and utterly confused as those three words come out of his mouth. He stands there infront of your eyes with hope just a little hope hoping you would say it back.

y/n. Are you serious right now?

J. what?

y/n. what the fuck do you mean you love me all you ever did was cheat on me and you love me because if thats love thats some fucked up love and I don't want it

J. but I was cheating on you with a girl who looked just like you

y/n. are you fucking stupid because thats still cheating you even said it yourself and there's a lot of things different between me and her

J. oh Yea like what

y/n. my pussy is clean end. of. story.

Justin stands there trying his best to hold in his laugh. Then its like reality hit him and the smile he was holding in faded away

J. y/n I miss you I miss you so much I didn't mean to hurt you or to betray you I just want to go home with you and hold you in my arms the way we used to be I want to go out in public with you and feel good about myself because I'm good enough to have you I want to go out to stores and be goofy with you like the way we was I want to make funny jokes about each other but can't help to laugh because thats how we work I want to cuddle you at night holding you so tight  so that you wouldn't leave me I want you y/n please I miss you please come back to me

Justin looks down as tears fall from his eyes. Rain drops start to drop from the sky and just like that the water pours out of the sky just like Justin's eyes. He looks back up at you as rain pours down his face and pours down yours.

J. I just......I just want you

You look at him in the eyes and see that everything he's saying he means. You put on hand on his shoulder

y/n. sorry but I'm not your shoulder to cry on anymore and everything you said to me didn't touch my heart not one bit because your full of shit.

You walk away smirking and from the corner of your eyes you see the most saddest expression on Justin's face ever as he turns around with his head down and walks in the other direction. You continue walking and walking until a car pulls up on the side of you. You stop walking like at the all black tinted window car as 2 men come out. They are big with all black suites and sunglasses. Thats never a good sign

~ Jason's POV ~

I stare at her father as he grabs his jacket, guns, and knives with a cigar in his mouth. He gets out of the room followed by 2 guys in all black suites and sunglasses. (nick= your dad)

N. come on Jason

Ja. where are we going?

N. don't worry

Ja. obviously I'm gonna want to know where I'm going if your telling me to get in a car with you

N. we are going to get my daughters humanity back

He leaves out the door and I follow stepping into a car with him. As soon as we step into the car the car starts driving to our destination.

N. so Jason are you still bipolar

Ja. so nick are you still a nosey ass motherfucker

N. I'll take that as a yes

Ja. you don't know me

N. and you didn't know me or my daughter and look at what you got her into

Ja. I did this for revenge but don't worry I had every right to I loved watching her bleed as I hit her or bit her everywhere. I loved fucking her. I loved watching her cry as I put her in that basement I loved it

N. you know what I loved I loved seeing you fail over and over again thinking you can actually kill me I loved it and it made me laugh

I clench my fist as he makes me angry. All of a sudden the car stops. I look to my side and see y/n standing there. To be honest I didn't love hitting her or doing those things to her I hated it and I hated myself but I have to. I can't fall for her but what I realize is no matter what I fall more in love with her. My eyes soften as I see what I did to her. I made her .... me

N. here's the plan your going to kill me

Ja. what?! no

N. just do it Jason I know it will hurt her but I will do anything to get her back. its already been long enough I'm not gonna let her turn into a monster like you

I don't say anything as the 2 guys get out of the car along with Nick and me

~ Y/n's POV ~

Once the 2 guys get out you see Jason come out then a man with a cigar. Your eyes soften as you see who it is.....your dad.

Y/n. Dad?

N. yes baby girl its me listen I'm not gonna be here for long but listen I'm sorry for not telling you I was alive I needed to do this for me I needed to teach you how to become who you are today

y/n. so what was this some kind of sick training session?! how can you do this to me you left me alone

N. listen baby I know but I want you to know that I love you

y/n. wait what do-

Ja. ok goodbye nick

N. I love you

The next thing you know Jason hand goes into your dads chest pulling out his heart. Your whole world stops as your dad drops to the floor. you run to him laying down next to him as tears and pain come to your eyes and heart.

y/n. DAD!!!! 

A lot of memories come to your mind of all the bad things and all the hurt thats happened to you in your life as thats all you feel is pain.

y/n. no no no no

You roar as you try to get him to wake up you pound on the ground as more tears escape from your eyes. You feel a hand on your shoulder as you look up to see jason with a small smile on his face. You push his arm off of you standing up as more tears come out of your eyes

y/n. are you serious right now?! why Jason why your the only person I trusted the only person I had how could you do this to me?!

Ja. w-what?

y/n. Why my dad?!? Jason you are the last person I would ever think to do this to me and you didn't even let me say goodbye for the second time

You cry and cry as all you feel is hurt looking up into Jason eyes


You cry harder as you grip on to your head walking away with blood all on your hand and shirt. You've never cried this hard in your life and especially with the person who you trusted the most

A/n. hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did making it and make sure to vote and comment for the next chapter I looooveee you guys xoxo~L

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