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"So how do you feel?" "How was the wedding Mr Wang?" "Was the honeymoon great at Mallorca?" "Did you enjoy your trip to Mallorca?" "What about your child?" "Did he come with you or he stayed at you parents?" "Can we meet Mrs Wang?" "Will you show faces of your kid and wife?" "Mr Wang-" "Mr Wang! Look here!" "Will you-" "Is your-" "Mrs Wang is-" "What's your-" ...

The clicking of cameras and shouts of reporters were silenced by the doors of Wang's Company. Jackson became quite popular, after handling his business the right way. He also got high reputation. His wife and his baby boy long known by the media, but their faces never shown. Mrs Wang and Kai Wang were hot topic for whole Los Angeles.

You see because of Jackson's new management, Wang's company grew a lot and expanded to many other countries. By now being one of the biggest companies in the world. It's specialisation on electronics, such as phones, tablets, TVs, washing machines, flatiron...

Jackson and Ann along with Kai moved to USA after 2 years. Partly because of the pressure of the media in Korea, partly because of his father that was nonstop complaining about their marriage.

Kai was celebrating his third birthday last week and some photos of their friends that arrived on the airport, were leaked, along side some blurry photos of Ann and Kai.

Jackson sighed as he greeted the woman that was sitting after her desk in reception. "Good morning Mr Wang. Mr Ilu is waiting for you in the meeting room, he came earlier. Your assistant is attending him by now. You also got a call from your wife, she said she will bring you lunch today and will come with your son." She told him as he walked to the elevator, her following after him. He turned at her as the elevator's door opened smiling at her. "Thank you Johanna. Have a great day down here. Don't forget to take a break. I saw you intentionally didn't come to lunch this past week." Jackson said curtly before the door to the elevator shut before him. Johanna smiled at him before she lost the sight of his boss.

You could tell that she was friends with his wife. The two of them became friends not long ago, when Ann first visited his husband in his work.

As she sat down behind the big desk, going through endless of emails and calls. She was glad that the security guards were in the front as the paparazzis were constantly trying to get a peek of the insides of Wang's company.

The windows were see through from the inside not from outside. All of the employee's weren't coming into the building before they signed a paper which said they won't leak any photos of Mr Wang or his family when they visit him. And they won't speak of anything happening there, because if the would they would be immediately fired, and no one wanted it as Mr Wang's company was very prestigious and the payment wasn't low.

It was something Jackson first did while consulting with his lawyers. He wanted 100% safety for his family but also his employees.

So every person's folder was filled with paper's that were explaining their position, payment, their rights as a company employee, charges against them if they leaked any informations and also the part of not leaking any photos of his family.

Jackson exit the elevator, greeting his employees as they all smiled his way, him immediately smiling back. He wasn't popular in media only, he was also popular among his employees.

As he entered the meeting room, he was met by a quite funny sight. His assistant 25 year old boy named Chris, that pretty new, was apologizing to Mr Ilu for, as what it seemed like, spilling a coffee on his suit. Mr Ilu trying to stay calm, but his face beet red. Jackson coughed to get their attention, his assistant straightened his back, glossy eyes, ears red, Mr Ilu shuffled clumsily trying to stand, bumping into the table. Trying to act normal, with a stain of coffee on his white shirt.

"Good morning Chris, Mr Ilu." Jackson smiled at Chris trying to put him in ease. "G-good morn-ning Mr Wang." Chris stuttered his voice wavering. "Good morning Mr Wang, I am glad to finally meet you, even in this awkward moment."

Jackson chuckled, making his way to the table, turning his gaze to Chris. "Chris call a maid please, she will clear the spilled coffee, I and Mr Ilu will be in my office. Bring me the papers you need me to sign and breathe okay? I'm sure that Mr Ilu here won't be so cold hearted to you and make you pay for his suit. Am I right Mr Ilu?" Jackson turned to his visitor which looked shocked for a moment. Glancing at the young boy which was trying to breathe quietly and not to burst in tears. He sighed closing his eyes and opening them, nodding. "Of course it's just a shirt." He tried to smile, but it came out more like a weird and painful grin.

"This way Mr Ilu." Jackson pointed his hand to the door as his visitor made his way to the office.

He turned to Chris again as a one tear slid down his face he smiled warmly at him. "Hey, it's okay. It's just a shirt am I right? It doesn't mean anything that he has the most expensive suit out of all, it could happen to me even. Just call Rebecca, take your time with handing me the papers. Ann will come with Kai today so you will be able to keep them a company I will have an important meeting at the time they will come." He stopped, looking sympathetically at the younger boy.  "I'm sure that Kai will be more than pleased to be able to play hide n' seek with you again. I will talk to Mr Ilu and probably pay half of the cleaning of his suit. Also can you tell Noe to come into my office with one of my shirts?" Chris nodded, bowing to Jackson and running out of the room while wiping his tears away.

"This kid." Jackson laughed, going to his office, ready to talk with Mr Ilu about new innovations...

Kai came running into his daddy's office giggling, while being chased by Chris. Ann was sitting on the couch, sipping her green tea while eating cookies, reading. She looked up as she heard the loud giggles and soon she was met with her 3 year old son throwing himself on the couch right next to her, shuffling immediately to stand grabbing her arm turning to Chris with a wide grin. "Checkpoint! mama is a safe place, you can't give me to ol' and grumpy jellyfish!" Kai giggled at Chris' fake sad expression. "But when I don't give you to her, she will eat me!" He whined, acting scared. But Kai gasped loudly, letting go of his mom's arm, running to Chris dragging him to the couch forcefully pushing him to sit on the couch next to his mom, climbing to sit on his lap. Wide grin back at his face. "Now she can't eat you and you can't give me to her! We're both at the checkpoint!"

Ann chuckled, grabbing juice in a glass putting it in front of her son. "Okay you little traveller. Here drink and you will eat some snacks now, daddy will come in a few minutes, his meeting should end soon." As Ann finished talking Kai launched himself at the glass of juice drinking it really fast, his thirst big from all the running and hiding and playing with Chris.

As he was about to take a big bite of a cucumber his dad entered the office. Kai's eyes became wide as he threw the cucumber onto the plate on the little coffee table, jumping from Chris' lap, him taking a sip from his glass of water, running to Jackson while screaming "Hi daddy!" and "I missed you!" Throwing himself immediately into Jackson's arms as he brought him up, throwing him in the air, laughing along his son, giving him a peck on the forehead, setting him back down. "Did you have fun with Chris?"

"Uhmm!" Kai nodded eagerly running back to his mom sitting on her lap this time, taking the cucumber. "We played hide n' seek and then we were running from an ol' grumpy jellyfish that wanted to eat us! The couch is a checkpoint where the jelly fish can't go so we can rest!" Jackson smiled at his son, while putting papers on his desk aside. Taking his blazer off, putting it on the chair.

"Are you ready for lunch?" Jackson asked as he made his way to the three of them sitting peacefully, just Kai eating with eagerness.

"Yesh! Whatsh gwoingh two bhee fon lunfh?" Kai mumbled while trying to drink. Ann scolded him as she looked at her husband. "I don't really know, maybe lasagna?"

And with that Ann, Jackson and Kai made their way to canteen, letting Chris rest in Jackson's office for a while as his shift was ending in 30 minutes.

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