Chapter 1

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"Mr. Reed please start paying attention in my class." Mr Lewis, my English teacher, snapped me out of my daydream making me look up and blush noticing everyone's eye on me. Oops

"Erm sorry bout that sir." I replied

"Uh huh, anyways as I was saying this year you will be having to do a project that is worth 40 percent of your grade-"everyone groaned out load making Mr. Lewis glare at all of us for interrupting him "-but you will have someone to work with thi-" we all cheered at this news and of course that got us another glare "-this time though you won't be picking your partners instead I'll choose who you will be working with." Mr. Lewis finished off, our smiles turned to frowns from hearing that.

Well what a bummer.

"Alright class time to find out who your partner shall be" he said taking out a sheet of paper with I assume is our already assigned partners

"Abby and Matt"

"Nicole and Joe"

he kept going on so I just zoned out waiting till my name was called


"Riley and Ryan" alright that's not so bad...wait...whose Ryan

Did we have a new kid come in today? Nah I don't think so, otherwise I surely would've heard about it. The girls would go crazy if there was a new guy hoping he was hot and would fall in love with one of them. Typical...I wouldn't mind a hot new guy as long as he wasn't a douche, but I'm pretty sure this Ryan guy is not new.

I looked around the room trying to find anyone who looked unfamiliar. My search didn't last long. All the way in the back of the room was some guy with black hair and I couldn't see his eyes since he had on sunglasses on. That doesn't make sense, we're inside not outside...and I thought we're not allowed to have them on in the classroom. Well that's weird, I'm pretty sure I knew literally everyone in all my classes. I turned back around listening to the rest of what the teacher was saying.

"The project that you will be doing is a 3 page essay on the most traumatic or frightening life event that has occurred to you. Now you won't be writing you're own essay. No you're partner will be writing your event and you theirs as well. Be as detailed as possible. You have the rest of class time to start it. It's due in a week" Mr. Lewis said walking back to his desk and letting us start our project. With that I made my way towards who I assume was Ryan.

I stood next to his desk. "Um hey" I said to him. It didn't seem like he heard me so I repeated my self.

"Hey I'm Riley, you're partner"

With that he lifted his head up and nodded towards me but didn't say anything. Okay then...I looked over at the clock seeing how much time we had left.

"So we have about 30 minutes to work on it do you want to go first or shall I?"

This time he didn't even acknowledge me.

"Ryan?" I asked wondering if he even heard me.

"What?!" He snapped.

What the fuck is wrong with this guy?

"I don't know what your problem is right now but I want to get this project done. I'm busy and I don't want a bad grade just because you're being an ass and doesn't want to do it " I snapped. He looked kind of shocked at my outbursts but at least now I know that he heard me.

"Oh..sorry I just thought that you'd be like everyone else and just make me do both essays." He spoke softly probably scared I'd yell at him again. Now I feel bad looking at his slightly scared face.

"What no I'm not like that, anyways as I was saying do you want to share your story first or shall I?" I asked him making my voice softer and calmer to assure him I wasn't gonna have another outburst. I don't want him to be scared of me because I'm not a mean person.

"It doesn't matter to me" He replied sounding a bit better than before.

"Alright, you go first." I told him as I got my notebook out to write it down. He looked a bit shy as he said "I don't know where to start"

"Well what is your topic about?" I asked.

"When I lost my sight" He muttered

"Wait what?!" I asked completely shocked.

"I'm blind..." He said again awkwardly but this time a bit more louder.

"oh." I replied not knowing what else to say to that! What are you supposed to say to that?


"I'm sorry I didn't know that."

"Yeah its fine."

"Is that why you're wearing sunglasses?" I asked bluntly.

He nodded blushing a little bit, so cute...damn

"Yeah I wear them so I don't freak people out."

"what do you mean?" I asked confused. His blush got a little bit darker aww I just wanna hug him...

"Well people get freaked out when I don't make uhh eye contact when they don't know that I'm blind." He said shyly.

"Ah I understand do you mind if I can see you're eyes?" I asked hopefully really wondering what color they would be. He turned his head away from me and said "I'd rather not."

"Alright sure, lets hear your story." I said trying to get out of the awkward silence that soon appeared.


So this is my 3rd attempt, yeah that seems about right, of trying to do a story. This time a boyxboy since why not? They're my obsession. Anyways I hope you guys like it! I have the other chapter for this story already done and I'll post it later. Thanks for reading! :D

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