Chapter 3

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I wasn't sure which class Ryan had next. So for the rest of my classes before lunch I kept scanning the classroom twice in case he was in my class. And on the second time I was always disappointed he wasn't in any of them.

I feel like I became obsessed way to fast. I just met the guy today!

But hopefully I'll see him at lunch which was after this class. Can time go any faster. I swear when you're excited for something, or shall I say someone, time goes so slow! Its like every minutes becomes an hour! But it'll be worth it once I see Ryan again.

That thought made a little glimmer of excitement and hope pass through me. Now I couldn't wait to get out of this class!

Gosh he's making me feel like a 13 year old girl. Well it might have something to do with not liking a lot of people at my school. Not that there isn't any hot guys here because oh boy there is. Only problem, well actually there's a few. They're annoying, stupid and most are straight. 

Ryan on the other hand is different. He's not straight, as far as I can tell. He doesn't seem dumb since he's taking honors English like me. He has an interesting personality. Kinda mysterious and feisty.

Ahh first guy I've obsessed over in a long, long time.

"Alright class dismissed." Were the last words I heard before I quickly grabbed my things and ran out of the room, not even bothering to stop at my locker, ready to get to lunch so I can see if Ryan has the same one as me.

I made my way towards the cafeteria, scanning the room hoping to find Ryan through the crowd of hungry people.

My shoulders slumped when I couldn't see him anywhere. Disappointment soon made it's appearance.

I pouted while making my way to the lunch line. Food didn't really matter to me right now but I knew if I didn't eat I'd get pestered about it and I didn't really want to talk about it.

As soon as I paid for my food I made my way towards my regular table which consisted of my friends.

The first one was my best friend Derek who is also on the basketball team. The person next to Derek was my other best friend, Ashley. She's a cheerleader but luckily not a whore like the rest of them. Nope she's really down to earth and honestly the nicest person I have ever met.

On her other side are the twins.

Finn and Francis.

Twins who look so identical you can't really tell the differences unless you look so closely to find out that Finn has a small, and I mean extremely small birthmark on the right side of his chin.

Those twins are inseparable. Wherever one goes, the other goes.

If Finn has to go pee then Francis does too. If Francis stays home because he has the flu then Finn stays too. And if Finn went to Australia then guess what, Francis is also going.

Understand what I'm saying?

I'm not sure what their deal is but I haven't bothered to ask. It's so weird but it's been like that forever so now it's kind of normal for them to act the way that they do. Besides, if I ask, one might gets mad, then other will be too. But they're nice. Also they're both on the swim team. Explains how they're both on the lean side.

On the opposite side of them was Mandy. She's really cool and the only person in our group that isn't in any sport. Ah, surprised these " jocks" don't hang out only with their own "kind" huh? Well fooled you, were not all douche bags. Well some of us aren't at least.

That brings me to the last 2 sitting by Mandy.

Ian and Stephen. They're both the best of friends. Why? Well they pick on people together, I've never seen them do it but I've heard from a lot of people that they do and because of that they're feared. If I did see them bully then I would have called them out on it obviously. But of course they would deny it since I didn't witness it myself or had any proof. They know that if I did find out then they will be kicked off the basketball team. Yup they're both on it as well. Not as good as I am but they're getting there. I've tolerated them for awhile, we're not close, obviously, but they're pretty good friends with Derek so that's another reason why I tolerate them. They can be ok from time to time.

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