8. Meeting another Tomlinson

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*one weeks later*
Georgia p.o.v.

My life went on very well. I wrote a lot of texts with Louis and sometimes we phoned after school or in the evening. It was so great to hear his voice nearly every third day. He was at home at this time but in a few days they will have one act in Ireland, Nialls homeland. I was happy for him that he would see Ireland again. I knew that he liked it. Our contact seemed to be perfect. His mum didn't know anything about all this. His sisters either. I didn't understand why Louis couldn't talk with his mum about our relationship. I didn't know why he was so afraid. I couldn't asked him yet but I wanted to know it! And I wished that one day I will get to know all of his family. I thought that they are all nice girls especially Lottie. Louis was talking about her mostly. It was ok for me to be informed about his family. I mean why not? They share the same brother with me! Somehow they are my family, too.

It was saturday afternoon. I was chilling in the parc after I had skated with my skaterfriend Chris.
We met 3 times in the week and today was one of them. We had practised tricks together and we had given each other tipps. After that I had freetime 'cause Chris had to go home.
Mostly I spend this time here in a little parc in Doncaster. This was my way to calm down after my skating hours which were always exhausting.
So I was sitting on a bench, my feets on the skateboard, and I watched the people who passed me. I liked doing this. There were so many different people in my little town no matter if black or white, old or young. I was happy to live here.
Suddenly a girl with long blond hair walked by with a baby in her arms and caught my attention. She was 15 or 16 I thought. Her long blond hair was moved by the wind. Her dress was knee-lenght and her black balarinas looked very beautiful. I loved the color black! The baby in her arms had to be her sister or brother, right? I couldn't imagine that this was her child. She was too young for that. I exactly looked at her in the following second. No!, I thought. This wasn't really happen, does it? I knew this person! I was sure that I knew this person 'cause Lottie Tomlinson, Louis sister, passed by! The baby had to be Doris or Ernerst, one of the newborn twins! Oh man! I coulnd't believe what I saw! Oh gosh! Did this really happen? It was unbelievble! I had the need to talk to her but...should I?
I put my feets down on the ground and got up from the bench. I took my skateboard in my hand and walked to Lottie. I was nervous! What should I say? What should I do?
"Awww! The baby is so sweet!", I said then and got in her way. Lottie looked up to me and stopped walking. Our eyes met. Her eyes had a beautiful blue. She looked much more prettier in nature as on her photos at instagram. I was smiling at her. I knew her but she didn't know me.
"Is that yours?", I wanted to know and pointed at the baby. What a studipid question, I said to myself in thoughts but I had to communicate with her somehow. My smile didn't stop.
Lottie shook her head as an answer of my question. She looked a bit confused. Maybe because I pretend not to know her. "No, this is my brother Ernest."
"Your brother?" I tried to sound interested so maybe she trusts me.
"Yes my mum has got a new man and they got twins. They are only a few month old", she explained to me and smiled at her brother. She was very happy to have him. 
I nodded. She seemed to believe me that I'm just a normal girl and not a Directioner.
"Aww so sweet!", I repeated, touched Ernest with my hand and stroked him his cheek. So this was Ernerst, Louis only brother. He was so proud of him. I knew it and could understand that. I swore that he looked like Louis in this age. I knew some pictures of him as a baby. This was so cute!
"His twin Doris is at home with my mum, my other 3 younger sisters and my big brother. I am going to go the playground to have some fun with him." Lottie smiled over her whole face. She seemed to be more than just happy about her family life. I could see that she loved her little brother.
Should I show her the little Directioner in me? Should I show that I know her? I thought I should. That would only be fair but...I wasn't that sure. Maybe she didn't like me after that...
"Hey!", I said then a little bit louder and looked steight in her face. "Wait! I think I know you!"
Lottie looked not amazed as I said that. Was it a mistake to say that? Oh no...
"Aren't you Lottie? Lottie Tomlinson? The little sis of Louis Tomlinson?"
Lottie nodded but her smile disappereared time after time. "Yes, I am."
I nodded again. "Wow cool! Nice to meet you!", I said and gave her my hand. "I'm Georgia!"
I hided my familyname. Maybe Lottie knew about Louis Dad and would connect me with him. I didn't know how she would react so I didn't say anything.
"Georgia...", Lottie whispered and still looked at me. "That's a nice name!"
"Thanks", I said and looked in her face again. She looked like her brother. This smile and this eyes are nearly the same. "That's nice from you."
Why did everyone tell me? What was the special of my name? It was just a normal one!
Lotties eyes went on the ground. I thought that she saw my skatebord and I was right. She exacly looked at me from the top to the bottom. "You skate?", she wanted to know from me.
I nodded. "Yeah I do."
"Oh yeah you look very sporty", she said.
"Yeah I love skating. I am in a little skate club here in Doncaster."
I smiled as I said that. I couldn't live without skating. It was such a big fun!
"You live here in Doncaster?", Lottie askd surprised. I nodded again.
"But I haven't seen you before", she continued. I just twitched with my shoulder.
"Me either. I don't know why."
"Hmm...that's strange, isn't it?", Lottie thought. "Doncaster isn't a big city like London..."
"No that's right. I don't know why we never met before..."
It was really creepy. I've never thought about that before. We lived in the same town but we've never met before! Somehow it was a creepy thing. But somehow god wanted it that way.
"Now it happened", Lottie said with a smile in her face. Maybe she liked me.
"I want to go to the playground with Ernest. Do you want to come with me?", she asked me.
I lifted an eyebrow. That happened very fast. I was a stranger for her and she asked me to accompany her and her little brother? "Really? I mean...we don't know each other very well..."
"But why not? It's boring alone with my little brother. Sometimes Fizzy comes with me but she has to help mum with the lunch."
I understood and nodded. It was time to spend some time with her, I thought. She was Louis sister and somehow she was mine, too. It was a good idea to spend time with her. "Fine", I said. "Let's go!"

Lottie p.o.v.

Georgia accompanied me and Ernest to the playground. She seemed to be nice and polite and she made a nice impression to me. I didn't know why but she remembered me on somebody.
I wondered why I haven't met her before. We lived in the same town! It was crazy but I liked her somehow.
"Could I hold him one time?", Georgia asked and made me come back to reality.
I looked at her first and then at my brother. His big eyes couldn't stop looking at me. He remembered me of Louis. I was happy that he was a few days at home.
Then I saw to Georgia again. I wasn't sure. I didn't know her.
"Hmm...ok", I answered and gave the baby in her ams. My brother started crying but Georgia calmed him down. It seemed like she knew how to handle with babys. I liked it!
"Do you have got brothers or sisters?", I wanted to know from her.
Georgias eyes were still on my brother but she answered: "Yes I have one little sister who is 6 years old and started last year with school. And I have a big brother."
I listened up. "Big brother? Cool! Me, too, you know!? It is so great to have a big brother!"
She nodded. "Yeah you can be proud of Louis", she said. "He is a great guy!"
"Yes I am", I answered very proud. I knew that Georgia didn't know Louis personally but he is presented very good in the press and the internet. "He is in the biggest boy band in the world! I am more than proud!" Georgia looked in my direction but didn't say a word.
I wanted to know more from her. She was so mysterious. "It's great to have an older brother, right?", I repeted. "What about your brother? How old is he?"
"I...I don't know much about him", Georgia said a bit shy.
I raised an eyebrow. What kind of answer was that? Was something wrong between them?
"Why?", I wanted to know. "What happened?"
"We have got two different mothers but the same dad", she started to explain. "I live with his dad and the new family of our dad. He lives with his mum and her new lover. We haven't seen my brother so long. His mum doesn't want the contact between him, his dad and me."
I was shocked. That wasn't normal! What kind of relationship was that?
"What? But why don't you try to contact him? He is your brother!" I knew how hard it was not to see my family. It was always hard for me when Louis leaves to go on tour. I knew this feeling very well.
"It's easy to say that but hard to do", she said sadly. I was sorry about her. I wanted to help!
I couldn't imagine this situation between Louis and me. We loved eath other so much!
"Thank you, that's very nice but I will do this alone, ok?" She looked at me very sad.
"I'm sorry for you", I wispered. "But let me help you, please. Somehow!"
Georgia sighed and looked at the ground. "I don't know how..."
I took my phone out of my pocket and solve my key barrier. "Oh shit!", I shouted a bit too loud.
"It's 7:47 pm! I got to go! My mum waites with the lunch! Wait Georgia! I can give you my number and..." I got hactically.
"Lottie, that's very nice but...I don't want..."
I took out a piece of paper and write my number and name on it. I give it to her and she took it.
"Thank you", she said very quietly and gave Ernest back in my arms.
"Hope we see each other again", I said with a smile.
Georgia smiled, too. "Yeah, we will."

Georgia Austin - The unknown sister of Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now