Chapter 1 : Betrayed

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"Some people aren't loyal to you... they are loyal to their need of you once their needs change... so does their loyalty"

Kyle James dropped the box he was holding. He had just bought this particular branded watch after saving up money for a month from his part time job and allowance, all efforts of his however didn't matter now since he could not believe what he saw. No. Even though it was his own two eyes that showed him the truth, he did not want to believe it. Sebastian Summers did not spare him a glance even as he shut the door and stumbled downstairs quietly. Lily Summers ran to him "Kyle....." "So was I no more then a hook up?" Kyle asked not allowing tears to escape his eyes, they were barely stopped though. "You..... know?. Did he tell you directly or by chance you found out?" asked Lily Summers nervously. Kyle James chuckled "So you knew too did you?And you didn't bother considering to tell me about it?" "I'm sorry Kyle the two of you seemed to have such a strong bond. I ws afraid your relationship would be ruined" "Well congratulations there is no relationship left to be ruined now. Do you feel happy?" "You know I dont Kyle. I... you know I wanted to tell you. I talked to him but.... he told me to go ahead and tell you that he didnt care, he knew I wouldn't tell you since being your best freind I couldn't bare to see you get hurt" "No Lily I dont know anything. What I know is only that despite the situation you let him be. I am dissapointed in you as your best friend which I no longer have any will to remain. By the way tell me did it feel good to see your best friend being a hook up for someone, did you enjoy knowing it all along and watching me. Could it have hurt you to even give me a small hint?" "But-" "Forget it Lily just.. .nevermind you are  your brothers sister after all. Not only loyal but the same as him. He'll do wrong and not stop it, neither will you" "Kyle I-I didn't mean to make it look that way this isn't right, its only because I didnt want to-" "What hurt me? Stop repeating that, it is only a excuse to protect yourself I won't belive you not anymore. Besides whether excuse or not you hurt me anyways, by the way Lily nothing in this world goes right. Keep in mind I dont want to see yours or his face again, dont forget to inform him he might be gratefull." The door was closed on Lily Summers face as Kyle James stormed out to the driveway. Five seconds later Sebastian Summers hearing the commotion came rushing downstairs knowing Kyle James had seen him "Thanks to you I just lost my from 14 years best friend. He probably saw you kiss Nicky Samuel in your room oh and he says he doesn't want to see either of our faces again. I should thank you for ruining what used to be a important friendship for me" "Wait..... so you are telling me I was just dumped by Kyle James whom I was dating for a year and a half." Sebastian repeated slowly registering it, Lily nodded in conformation. Yes, Sebastian Summers and Kyle James were both gay, dont their first names have a nice ring to them once spoken of together? On the other hand  however neverminding their rhymed names Kyle James returned home only to slump down on his bed. He had just been cheated upon for the first time in his life and it didn't feel good at all.

End Of Chapter One

A/n : Hey this is actually the first time I am officialy publishing something other then my short stories since I usually keep them to myself. So if I made any mistakes or missed correcting any wrong spellings or if there was a grammer mistake I'd like to apologize since I'm was pretty nervous and my hands were shaking 😫. I hope you like this chapter and keep on reading I'll try my best to keep everyone entertained and updated. Please comment how you feel about this story, whether you like it r not I'd really appreciate your advice and suggestions. Lastly I'd like to thank you all for considering to read this book. Please keep on reading in the future, Thankyou

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