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Niasha's POV

"Asha, the scouts have sent word of disturbances in the East border." Devin said as he came into my office.  I sighed, such a peaceful day is now ruined. I nodded to him and stood up, walking out the office with him following. As we walked by the pack members bowed their head in respect, I took this position as the Alpha Rogue Queen merely seven and a half years ago. We've kept to ourselves and fought whenever some pigheaded Alpha thinks he can knock me down. When I kill the Alpha I give the pack two options, stay or leave. It's really that simple but with that my territory has expanded again and again, as more decided to stay than to leave. "Alpha, Anna just reported that a number of rogues under Kolm are trespassing to followa carriage" Jack , one of my warriors said.

Kolm was a self proclaimed Rogue King, a fucking creep and tyrant is what he is. Five years ago he thought that it would be a good idea to try to mate with me. He said and I quote, ‘A strong rogue female like yourself would make fine pups for me.’ That old sneaky motherfucker thinks he can just send his wolves in my territory and I'll be okay with it. Teleporting to the area, I saw about twenty rogues going to attack this old couple. Even though they were in rough clothes they held themselves up. The leader of the group stepped forward but my focus was on the pup that is with them, he looked scared like he didn't want to be there but the others growled at him before he could run away.

“You'll be needed for the uprising. Former King Isaac, Former Queen Stasi. You see, our Alpha doesn't like to fight against the royals especially when he doesn't have collateral. Our resources say that the King is very found of his parents.” The wolf smirked and stepped forward just as a little girl about twelve years old ran from her hiding place and pushed herself into the older woman's body. He chuckled, "Well well well, the little Princess Stasia. I thought you were around here somewhere." The older woman couple pulled out knives but it was clear that against these wolves, they won't stand a chance. I sighed and whistle signalling for Anna to come out. Her red eyes gleamed as she bowed in respect before following me into the clearing. Sensing our presence the man's eyes snapped to us, his smirk disappeared when his eyes zeroed in on me.

"Alpha Queen, this is our business. If you mind, please leave." I remember him, he's Kolm's left hand man, quite the  pathetic wolf if you ask me. Kolm took his wife as his own and then killed her in front of him and yet he hasn't left. I don't know another man that could do such a thing. "You've trespassed on our land. What do you offer?" Anna said. The group threw the pup in my direction, he changed into his human form instantly. They brought him here just case they were caught. Now that I'm looking at the pup's face, he reminds me of Kingsley. Jack gave the pup clothes and took him back to the pack house. I nod to Anna to get rid of the trash. "Die." She mumbled as the group turned to ash within seconds. Turning to the couple, I motioned them over.

Isaac and Stasi looked startled but followed as I began walking back to the carriage. They stepped in first while I sat on the opposite side and closed the door, Anna sat upfront and controlled the horses. The little Princess eyed me cautiously, "Are you going to kill us?" Of course they would think this. Like most rogues, I have no regard for Werewolf royalty. I don't care about what they do or don't do as long as they don't attack me or my people. However, from the looks of things, the royal family has more to worry about than stupidly attacking someone.

No girl. I'm not going to kill you or your grandparents.

My telepathy seemed to shock them. Of course it would. Telepathy is something rare among wolves. When we are connected by a pack, it's a link between the members of the pack but it's not telepathy. However, thank to it, I'm able to speak to people that don't understand sign language. Using it is a bother anyway. She nodded, seemingly believing my words. "No need to be pretend. We know who you are, so kill us and get it over with." Isaac spat out, looking at me with disgust clear in his eyes. I sneer at him.

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