Chapter One - Here Goes Nothing

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"Amberle, your friends are here!" My mom yells. I rush to get my suitcase and my backpack. I pick up my check list to just check over my items one more time. Toiletries, essential make-up, clothes(casual and dressy), phone, Mac-book, chargers, portal chargers, the charger for the portable charger. alright i need to stop stressing out, the whole point of the trip is to get rid of our stress. I put down my check list, grab my stuff, and run downstairs to be greeted by my mother. She smiles at me and gives me a hug, we pull away and she holds my face still smiling.

"Be safe Amber, and don't forget you're only excused for three weeks so don't go running across Canada." she says as she picks up my suitcase. I chuckle and say

"I won't mom I promise, and before you ask yes I have all the emergency numbers on my phone plus my pepper spray" I say in a joking way rolling my eyes. To be honest I was kind of sad about going on this because we miss prom and I've always looked up to it since I was a little girl, but at the same time I feel like this is a great way to depart ways as seniors with my friends. We would all leave with great memories and everlasting friendships.

"Hey, you're all I got I just want you to stay safe. Not that I doubt your protection since you are going with Sam. You know it's never too late to get together, he is a wonderful boy and we've known him since he was a baby." She says. We walk to Sam car and put my suitcase and backpack in the trunk.

"Mom we've talked about this, Sammy and I will never be more than best friends." I say closing the trunk. She just smiles and gives me one last hug and kiss on my forehead.

"Alright honey, I'll see you soon and three weeks that's it I love you"

"Okay, I love you too mom. Bye" I walk to the passengers seat and sit down next to Lucas in his rented black Ford SUV.

"Hey Crystal, you ready to have the time of your life?" he questions with a slight smirk on his face. This boy never fails to make me feel better. And he's the only one that's allowed to call me that, it's a long story but only two people have called me by my middle name before. Sam and my dad.

"Hell yeah I am, lets get going I can't wait to see the others." I say really hyper. Sam starts the car and drives off of my street waving goodbye to my mom and on to Maddie's, and Brook's street. We pull up to Brook's driveway as her parents say goodbye to her, and she puts her luggage away as well. She slides in the seat behind me. Without even addressing us Brook pulls out her phone and Bluetooth's some of our favorite songs. Sam and I both turn around and stare at her.

"What? Stop looking at me like that we can't go on a road trip without music" she says in a duh type of tone.

I just chuckle and shake my head while Sam pulls up to Maddie's  drive way. It was pretty much the same routine for everyone getting the car. Once the car was filled with a group of six friends all jamming out to their favorite artist, we decided to get some food for the drive. Sam pulls up to the speaker of the Starbucks drive-thru and starts to order everyone's food. Suddenly we hear someone behind yelling.

" Yo hurry it up there's hungry people behind you too. Oh and you're talking to a trashcan." We all broke out laughing and Sam turns red in the face. He pulls the car a forward and starts talking to the actual speaker instead of the trashcan this time. The worker hands Sam all the food and we pass back till it's reached its devourer. With that the long journey ahead waits. I turn around to ask if anyone had to pee before we left Starbucks. Apparently everyone had relieved themselves before we picked them up. Sam pulls out of the parking spot that we're in and exits back on to the high way. The drive begins with us singing our hearts out to basically any song on the radio that we knew the words to. And that's when the most awkward part of the drive happened. Currently we are all jamming out to the end part of "Thank you, Next", by the one and only Ariana Grande when mine and Sam favorite song comes on. I turn up the volume so that even the cars way ahead of us could hear it blasting. Sam stops at an intersection due to a red light and starts singing.

"That's the beautiful thing about you. I know that you'd do the same in my shoes. Never switch, never stop, I can see us at the top. Girl why don't we go there." The whole time he was singing he was looking at me but when he sings "why don't we go there" he winks with a slight smirk. He winked because the name of the band that wrote this song's name is Why Don't We. I turn around to see that the whole car had went quite once Sam started singing to me, or towards me I should say 'cause he definitely wasn't singing TO me. This happens all the time, whenever we're out with friends and either me or Sam starts singing the whole group goes quiet, and neither of us notice until we're done. Out of nowhere the car behind us starts honking and yelling at us. I turn back around and realize that the light turned green. Sam turns back to the steering wheel and we keep driving.

Authors Note
The picture at the top is the outfit that all the girls are wearing, but the shirt and shorts are just different color( same design though). And they're not bring the hat, sunglasses, bracelets, and necklaces( basically no jewelry except for the friendship brackets that they wear at all time which I'll put in my next chapter). No belt and the shoes are brown not yellow. Alright I think that all. Sorry if you see Sam in some places and Shawn in the other. I decided to change the name to Sam when I was editing it so if I messed up and didn't change a Shawn into a Sam then I'm sorry. This is a really like authors note so I'm just going to leave now. Byeeeee( please excuse all errors in the story)eeeeeeee😂.

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