chapter 2 (help i havent slept)

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"AS IF"^^^^^^ 

lol i got that from clueless

video up there^^ 

Hermione's pov:

i sat in the head boys and girls compartment waiting for him...ugh i have to bleach my eyeballs after that..but damn..he was big maybe 9 inches EW WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING ABOUT DRACO MOTHERFUCKING FERRET MALFOY'S SEXY THICK LONG DICK AHHHHHHHHHHH get your head out of the clouds hermione. You hate him and he's nothing but a sex-NO nothing but a bloody fucking feret

i shook my head vigorously trying to get that thought out of my head.

i heard the door to the compartment swing open.stupid malfoy walked in and sat on right across from me giving me a wink and his signature smirk.

i rolled my eyes at him.

a minute passed of just silence 

my eyes wonderd to him and i looked him up and down..DAMN that boy was handsome. shit...

"like what you see granger?" he said smirking

"AS IF MALFOY " i replied

"after seeing that stunt you did with pan-"i was cut off by hand going onto my chin then his  lips smashing into mine

what the fuck is he doing?!?!?!??!?!? why is he kissing me AND WHY AM I STILL LETTING HIM KISS ME . WHAT WAS HE DOING . WHAT THE FUCK. 

damn i coulden't help but melt into his lips though. they were just  so demanding but also plesent . not like this kiss had something diffrent but..what could it be. his lips tasted like green apple and mint. what a taste (HAHAHAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE WITH THE GREEN APPLE , check out my drapple book ;) ) he pulled me closer so i was now on his lap straddled . he put his hands on my thighs, barely squeezeing them. i rapped my hands around his neck so i could get a better balence . his kiss became more demanding and he licked my bottom lip and i moaned at the feeling , allowing his tongue to enter my mouth ,allowing it to explore every part of it .it was  like fire and ice ,are tongues were kaliding in sinc to with each other . i cant but admit he was damn great kisser. i started running my hands into his bleach blond locks messing up his sklick back hairdo . damn he was even more sexyer with his hair all messed up. wait IM KISSING MALFOY AND LIK-NO I COULDENT LIKE IT . im supposed to hate him and thats all! but damn im not gonna stop kissing him.(this might sound weird but this is gonna lead them to each other fucking ,your welcome but there gonna start fucking in chapter 4 or 5 so like your not welcome as well )

Draco's pov:

without hesitation i kissed her,she was just to damn hot when she was flustered i couldn't help myself. i smashed my lips onto hers and she didn't push away . i pulled her into my lap wanting her on me . damn her lips were so soft and moisturized . i licked her bottom lip and makeing her moan giving me access into her mouth and shit i loved every second of it, the way her mouth tasted like vanilla and how her hands felt in my hair. i could feel my member (dick oof just in case someone dosent know what that means) pokeing up on her vag (vagiana oof i spelled that wrong but im to lazy to fix it ). damn her kiss wasn't like any other girls or slag hers was innocent and peaceful . shit i didn't want it to ever stop but. i love teasing her more,i want her to beg ,or more lust for more. so i pulled away and wiped my mouth mostly to seem like i didn't enjoy it which was the biggest lie i have ever told  she just looked at me in awe at  me for a good minute .

"wh..a..wh..y?..huh...malfoy?!?" she said kinda skipping her words

"i just wanted you to feel what pansy felt,i can see you and the wesal ron never made out like that. but don't think that i want you Granger , i would never want hobo looking mu-freak like you i lied. you couldent even suduce me Granger! i lied once more hiding the boner she gave me. damn

shit I wanted her so bad,ever since 2nd year....but my father would have never allowed it...she was a mudblood and not pure.

But she wasn't like other girls though ,mostly because she didn't drool over me and just want me for sex and pleasure. instead she had innocence and beauty..and eyes you could just get lost in ,brown deep eyes with a tint of a honey like color.... i honestly wanted her then another girl. and when i found out she was with Ron fucking Wesley  i almost freaked...mentally i would never show my true emotion to her or anyone...i couldn't allow it,my father woulden't allow it. even if i wasen't in his control anymore...his words and beatings were still in my head. i was and still am scared of being disowned by him even though i hated my father with all my might...he made me call hermione mudblood everyday and made me pick on her friends, i hated every second of it. i never wanted to hurt her,or anyone! But he made me...he made me into the monster ,he made me get that stupied dark mark.but was still my father and even if the war ended her friends still hated me and she probably hates me i wouldent blame her ..but...well maybe not i mean she didn't pull away when i kissed her..maybe she didnt hate me as much as i thought 

i started to smerk at the thought that she didn't pull away 


alright ima leave you on a cliff hanger if this story is bad well this chapter maybe because its ALMOST 2:00 in the morning OOF

Why him ? a hermione x draco storyWhere stories live. Discover now