Happily Forever After (Aaronette/Aaron and Juliette) Pt. 2

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Aaron wasn't usually nervous.

In fact, the only notable time he had been in his recent memory was when he had proposed. He supposed it was fitting that he was nervous then and now, on events that were so very related.

His proposal.

And his marriage.

Oh, how strange that sounded, how foreign. His marriage. Marriage, the bonding of one life to another. The bonding of his life to Juliette's, to his love's.

"You'll be fine," said a voice from the doorway. Adam. There weren't many options for a groom's man, seeing as Aaron wasn't particularly close with anyone, but he had decided, in the end, that his brother was a reasonable choice. After all, they needed to become closer. What better way to do it than at a wedding? The only other reasonable option was James, and he was the ring bearer.

"I know I will," he responded, which, yes, was a little cocky, but it was true. Wasn't it?

"Right," he said, a little flustered now. He must have assumed that Aaron was feeling unlike himself, that he needed reassurance. In another circumstance, Aaron might have said something to make him feel more comfortable, but he found the idea of getting romance advice on a woman that Adam had lost from Adam more than a little laughable. In fact, it was really downright hysterical, though Aaron refused to laugh. That would be unprofessional.

Very unprofessional.

He did it anyway.

"What is it?" asked Adam, sounding slightly offended and more than a little wary.

"Absolutely nothing," replied Aaron, composing himself immediately. Nerves did not mean he could act unprofessional. If anything, they made the reason to act professional even more pronounced.

"Sure," the other man muttered under his breath, clearly not believing him.

Aaron stiffened slightly. "It's nothing, really." he said.


And there was that strange urge he had been having the past few days, the odd wanting to say something. To talk about things that didn't need to be discussed with anyone, especially not Adam.

"You can tell me things, you know." said Adam suddenly. "It's not a bad thing to have friends." a pause. "And, I mean, you're getting married. Married people tend to tell each other stuff. You might need some practice."

It seemed that Adam had finally decided that Aaron wasn't a bloodthirsty killer that was going to murder him in his sleep. Which he really wasn't, so it was a good decision.


"I already tell Juliette things," he said calmly. It was true, after all. Juliette was probably the only person he told things, and he was perhaps a little more hesitant than he should have been, but he did tell them to her.

Adam shrugged, and they lapsed into silence again.

It will be fine, he thought. Perfectly fine.

"You'll be fine," said Adam, echoing his thoughts. "Juliette-" he paused, then shook his head, letting the sentence fall to the floor and disappear.

"Of course I will," said Aaron, his voice confident, and he wished that he felt the same way inside.

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