Chapter #13

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Only 2 weeks before Bangtan day. Yea, bangtan day is kinda like the day we all officially became friends. What do we do in bangtan day? Well we celebrate it ofcourse. We go to different places until 11:00 pm. When its 11:00 pm, we go to our rooftop. It is located in me and Jimin's house. Yea, we go there when its 11:00. There will be food, drinks, other stuff. We play games, we say stuff that is idunno, weird. We all do that until 12:00 pm strucks. When it's 12:00 pm, we will all scream "Happy Bangtan Day!". And yes. The neighbhours know that we will scream so sometimes we get scolded. But i think they are used to it since its been 7 years since we became friends. Oh i forgot. Every year, it will indicate a person. For examples when it was our 1 year being friends. A person will be extra special. Since we spend alot of money, the person will not. Every year it will be a person. And when it was now my turn. The person before me was Jungkook. Anyways, enough chitchatting. Lets go back to the story.


3 weeks since this drama started. And it was all because of Minjae. Jimin...he..never looked at me. He never smiled at me..he never..ARGHHH! He is not the same Jimin knew..he's not Jimin. I don't like it. I want him back...oh i forgot, i can't have him back..he is already taken. Ughh..i wanna leave as fast as i can..i was in our bed laying. I did not go to school since the school's nurse said i need to rest for the bruises to heal and other stuff. Jungkook took me home. I decided to post something on Instagram.

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AmazingPupDaY/n: IS the best day i ever NEED

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AmazingPupDaY/n: IS the best day i ever NEED...

You may wonder why i post so often..but you will find out soon. I sat up and Jungkook arrived. "Eyy..i told you to rest. " He said. "I couldn't." I said and smiled. He brought me soup, medicine and water. "finish that soup then drink your medicine. And then i'll put ointment and ice on your bruises" he said. I finished the soup and drank my medicine. Jungkook started treating my wounds and bruises. "Aigoo..i really don't like what's happening now." Jungkook said. "You're not the only one.." i said. "look all of this will end soon.." Jungkook said. " will end soon.." i said. It will definetly end since im leaving.

It was back to school. Again everything was normal. I told the guys i will get something on my locker. Until Minjae came to me. Bruises was everywhere on her face. "What..happened to you.?" I asked. "Don't worry..i will be fine." She said with a smirk. She then slapped me. "Fight back." She said. "push me. Do it!" she said. "I will hurt him.." I said. "Dont worry..if you don't push me this instant i will hurt him more-" i pushed her. I looked in front of me and eyes widened. Tears were forming in my eyes. "Y-y/n.." I heard them say. "h-hey..let me explain..this is just a misunderstanding.." I said. Jimin rushed to Minjae who was APPARENTLY crying. "Yah are you ok? Im here stop crying." Jimin said as he patted Minjae's back. "YOU! ARE YOU CRAZY?" He shouted at me making my tears fall. "Im.." I said. "YAH ANSWER ME Y/N!" He shouted and pushed me in the lockers. "Yah  hyung.." Jungkook said. Jimin was about to punch me so i looked at him with teary eyes. I looked at his fist as memories were flashing back to me.

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