Chapter 1 : "Defiance"

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     There was a very rich family who's on top of their village. They were respected a lot. But their daughter named Danielle was banned from leaving home since a tragedy occured when she was 3 years old and her mother was kidnapped and almost got killed. Danielle never wanted anything but freedom from her parents and to have friends. 

It's friday morning and Danielle's listening to music in her room.

"Danny! It's time for breakfast!", said her mother(Pat)

"In a minute mom!", Danielle replied.

     Danielle walked downstairs and began eating with her parents. After eating, Danielle started talking.

"Mom, I really wanna go outside. I want to have friends. I've been lonely ever since, I want friends that I can share my stories with and have fun!", said Danielle.

"Honey, we've been over this a thousand times already! You're not allowed to go outside", replied Pat

"I'm too old to be locked in my bedroom just looking outside my windows having fun with their friends!", said Danielle.

"The outside world is full of dangers dear. You never know what might happened! You can be killed just by wandering around", said her father(Jon)

"I think you've said enough about those things. And I think I can take care of myself", Danielle said.

"I already told you what happened to me, and there's no way I'm gonna let that happen to you!", said Pat

"I know you had bad experiences, but that already gave me a warning to always be careful, and perhaps, I'm not going far from this city", said Danielle

"No. I won't let you do that.", replied Pat

"But Mom!!!!",said Danielle

"NO. No more excuses", replied Pat

     Danielle got angry,she ran back upstairs and locked herself in her bedroom. She missed lunch and supper, and wouldn't even go out to talk. Her parents tried to talk and call her but she wouldn't go.

"Are you sure you're okay in there?", asked Jon

"I'm fine Dad!", Danielle replied

"You missed lunch and supper. You sure you don't want to eat?", asked Jon

"No Dad.", replied Danielle

     She looked outside the window thinking about how much fun it is to have friends outside.

"It's been years of being locked inside. This is too much, I'm too old. I'm making my move", she thought to herself

     After the clock stroke at 10:00pm, Danielle got dressed but she wore a mask. She opened her windows and she tried to go out, but the windows were to small for her to fit in. So she started taking hairclips and went to the front door quietly. She started picking the lock but she keeps on failing. And then she heard footsteps.

"Is anyone there?!", Jon surprisingly said.

     Danielle got surprised and started hurrying up but she the clip fell on the floor. After her father opened the lights and saw her picking, he ran up to get her, but luckily, Danielle opened the door and escaped.

"Come back here! I'm still not finished with you!", shouted Jon

"I'm calling the police!!", he added

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