Chapter 1: is that jealousy i smell?

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((sorry the first two chapters will seem really fast paste it was originally a one shot sooooo-))

slang and meanings))((wetblanket: kill joy))((dew dropper: lazy))((woopee:good time))((sheba:woman)) ((sheik: man))((neck:passionate kissing ))((cash:kiss))((balled up:confused))((flapper:prositute ))((closest thing i could get to porn star of that era))


Angel froze, watching as Alastor offered Mimzy his jacket, It was strange to see Alastor be considerate towards another, and it left a strange pit of jealousy in the spider demons stomach,

He continued to watch as Mimzy seemed to laugh ever so flirtatiously from Angels point of veiw, yet she gladly took the offered garment before continuing her discussion with the radio demon,

Angel didn't like this at all, He thought Mimzy was a bit to close to Alastor for comfort, Even though it wasn't the first time the two had been like this, in fact they were always so close, Angel didn't know why and that just ticked him off all that much more, After all he had found himself having an interest in the Asexual demon, which was funny if he said it out loud, as he was probably the most sexually active demon in this hotel, so finding interest in someone who wasn't interested in such activity's in his mind was almost comedic,

Anyway, he continued to observe the two's discussion, it was too far away to hear what they were saying, yet close enough to hear when Mimzy would have sudden outbursts of 'OH STOP IT YOU!' or laugh at something probably crude.

Angel was so observant that he never even noticed when Vaggie walked up beside him,

"hey pornstar, you might want to cheak your finger."

without giving her so much as a jump he raised a brow, and glanced down as requested, before cursing out loud


There through the skin of his index finger of one of his sets of hands, he had managed to sew the dress he was working on to his finger, frailing his hand around for a moment, he eventually gave up with a huff and reached for a pair of scissors to hopefully cut the thread off, it was no surprise to anyone that he never even noticed the painful accident, as being in hell you never really noticed pain unless it was intense, and to be fair just sewing the top layer of skin wasnt all that painful, and he was a bit- well distracted.

And speaking of distractions, as he reached for the pair of scissors he made eyecontact with said distraction,

His Cheshire grin still in place, as he simply raised an amused brow,

In return Angel simply frowned, his gaze shifting to Mimzy for a quick second before back to the deer shapeshifter, his expression showing un-amuzment,

It was accidental that he did so, not meaning to imply that he didnt like Mimzy and Alastors closeness, But of course the radio demon picked up on it right away, his eyes widening slightly, before his grin grew into almost a smirk, glancing to Mimzy himself before winking to the celebrity, and turning away scooting closer to Mimzy on the couch, resuming their conversation.

Which only irritated Angel more, fuming he cut his finger free from the thread before sticking it into his mouth, sucking on it slight, as he dragged his attention away from the cause of his suffering, grumbling under his breath, the tall spider like demon stood, removing his finger from his lips and stretching, aware that he couldn't do anything rash with Charlie or Vaggie around, he stomped off, heeled boots making a very distinct thump against the carpet as he made his way outside, calling behind him a quick,

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