my little girl

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People  stand ouûtside the door of a small girl when will she be ready to answer questions? I have no comment on that General this is ...sensitive. Flynn listens to what is going on outside her room and she doesn't flinch when her blood is drawn again. Good girl the nurse says. Her hair has been washed and cut and it's in a braid and she hasn't spoken a word in the four weeks she's been in the infirmary living in one of the long term care rooms. She hasn't taken off the white jacket and she sits on the window seat looking out. There's a knock on the door and she hears hey kid its me. She smiles slightly and presses the button on her scroll to unlock the door. The door closes and he goes over to the small Flynn . Hey kiddo ...the Flynn doesn't look behind her and he says uh this is hard there's some people that uh need to ask you questions. She turns to him growling softly. I know I know kiddo. I know you don't like to talk but you know how you saved my life? Well it might save others if you talked to them...she grabs his hand ....I'll be right here the whole time he says I won't go anywhere I promise. The Flynn  nods slightly and he smiles good...good. They're here now is that ok? Flynn nods. He goes over to the door and two people enter the room and sit a distance away from Flynn. The man sits in a chair closer to Flynn. This is ridiculous - enough general the man with the green scarf says. The general sighs he notices that her silver eyes haven't left his and he says well I am general ironwood. The other man says my name is Professor Ozpin and I am the headmaster of beacon school. And uh you already kind of know me kiddo but my name is Qrow. Fitting right? He says smiling and he watches the small girl smile slightly and then she gives a small barking laugh. So what is your name? The general asks. Her eyes flash slightly and Qrow says just look at me kiddo just talk to me. He leans in as her voice is soft and raspy as she says it's Fl-ynn. Flynn? Qrow says she nods slightly. Well it's Flynn he says. Can you not speak louder? Enough jimmy Qrow says. What else do you want to ask her? he says.  What do you know about Salem? The general says. Flynn's eyes widen and Qrow takes his hand away from hers as her hair glows slightly red along with her hand. I think that answers that General Qrow says. Obviously she is someone who is very familiar with her ...tactics. Ozpin says. I don't understand that wasn't an answer. He says she needs to stop acting like a child and - she is a child! Qrow says standing up as Flynn huddles against the wall ...ask her how old she was Ozpin says softly to Qrow. He speaks so only he can hear we need to know what we're dealing with. Qrow goes over to Flynn and he rubs behind her ear. you remember a time before ...before Salem? A happier time? Flynn looks at Qrow her silver eyes wide. He leans in to hear her as she says her...but...she...was...different..and on
Who is this he? Was he with Salem? Flynn nods. And you smelled him on me? Flynn nods again. Let's move on. Ozpin says. Qrow. Right I'll be right back he says. Flynn follows him as he leaves the room and she turns and looks out the window at the students she figures below. I'm back...did I miss anything? Flynn turns and her eyes light up when she sees her weapon. Qrow brings it over to her. This is yours isn't it? She nods. I just ....he sighs as she looks at him I don't understand he says. You had this on your back when she ordered you to kill me Flynn turns her head. I still don't understand why you didn't. Flynn looks at him. Who did you smell? Qrow says softly. You said you smelled him. Who's him? Flynn looks down. I think that's enough for today Qrow says. I think...I think there's some people that would like to meet you. Flynn's eyes widen. So...if you would come with me...Flynn follows Qrow out of the room walking uncertainly you're good Qrow says softly lean on me ok? Flynn nods. Flynn stumbles and Qrow slows down. It's your favorite philly cheese steaks Flynn smiles and her eyes widen when someone comes over to her and hugs her Flynn stiffens and Qrow says ruby....Ruby backs off. Hey are you ok? Qrow catches Flynn before she falls and he helps her to a seat. Flynn? You ok? Flynn nods once. Alright let's eat guys. Well I'm ruby what's your name? It's Flynn Qrow says. Uh I'm yang and my uncle Qrow told me you took down an alpha beowulf with a single punch. That's pretty cool. Flynn smiles and begins to eat her sandwich ...after lunch is done Qrow helps Flynn up and he says Flynn is  going to the physical therapy room. You got it? Flynn nods and says softly got it ..he smiles good. Flynn walks by herself using her staff to balance herself. She stops when a few male teenagers get in the way who's this little puppy? Flynn goes to move past them and he says not so fast...he pushes the staff with his foot ....what is a little kid doing here? He says goes to touch her ears and she grabs his wrist her cane falls to the floor. She plants her back foot and pushes him away. He stumbles and goes forward and he grabs her wrist and tries to bring her down she stumbles and falls onto her knees. Aww did the little puppy fall? The boy laughs and then Flynn hears someone say what's going on? Nothing Adel stay out of it. Flynn grips her staff and she tries to get to her feet. Hey...I'm Coco ...Flynn smiles and she says you're going to be alright kid she helps Flynn up and she says where are you headed? Qrow walks over his face concerned. Hey is everything ok? Those idiots were picking on her Coco says. Qrow crosses his arms and glares at the boys four better scram unless you want Ozpin to hear about this. They run off and his eyes soften he says Flynn are you alright? Flynn nods. Thanks ...what's your name? Coco you're Ruby's uncle aren't you? Yeah. Go ahead to class I've got her. Stay strong kid. Flynn nods and she smiles and they keep walking. Come on kiddo. Dr. Ooboeck doesn't like to wait ...Flynn's eyes widen. But I think he'll like you. They soon come across the physical therapy room and Flynn heads to the bars. Flynn! Ooboeck zooms over to her. I'm glad you're here! Flynn smiles and her staff is on her side as she holds onto the bars. Ooboeck goes to Qrow. What happened? I'm not sure there was an altercation but I haven't figured it out yet. She starts speech with Oz today. Does she? Yes ...should we start tomorrow? No Qrow says as Flynn sits on a ball looking at them I think she has a lot to say she just's hard for her. Ooboeck nods. How old is she? The doctor thinks she's about ten. I see she likes that jacket of yours. Yes ...she's grown attached to it. Flynn uses her cane to go over to them once she finishes her exercises. Come on kid Oz wants to have tea with you. Flynn's eyes widen. You didn't do anything wrong kiddo...he just ...wants to help you find your voice. See you tomorrow miss Flynn. Flynn smiles and nods to ooboeck and she follows Qrow to Ozpin's office.  That's all for you Qrow I...I need to speak to Flynn alone. Flynn's eyes widen and her eyes narrow. Oz? She'll be alright. Qrow looks uncertainly at Flynn and she studies Ozpin and nods. Alright kiddo  I'll be around ok? Flynn nods. Qrow leaves and Ozpin says sit down I've got cookies. Flynn goes to the table and she sits back in the chair crossing her legs. A long time ago I knew someone that looked...a lot like you. Flynn doesn't look up. Only difference is she didn't have a tail and wolf ears. And...she should be a lot older. Flynn's hand hovers over the cookies. But you see her name was also Flynn so I am confused. see my name wasn't Ozpin. It was a long time ago he says. You probably think I'm a talkative old man. Flynn looks up and her eyes widen for a moment. What is it? Ozpin says softly. Flynn shakes her head unsure. Try Ozpin says carefully Qrow said you smelled someone and that is why you didn't kill him you trusted him for some reason. Why? Flynn touches her nose. Scent yes ...Flynn slowly points at Ozpin.  Me? You smelled me? He says. That's impossible ....unless...he stands up. He goes and kneels next to Flynn. He gently touches her face. She's kept you this whole survived? But this doesn't ...Flynn looks into his's me...he says gently ...I'm still here. What has she done to you...Flynn curls into her self and Ozpin gently brings Flynn into his arms and Flynn begins to sob...I've got you're going to be alright. Oz I- what happened? Qrow says coming into the room. Shut the door Qrow. Oz says not getting up. Oz? Sit down...Ozpin says. Do...does she know you? Ozpin sighs. Why did you come in? Glynda heard crying. Ozpin sighs and Qrow says you're crying. Ozpin gently rubs Flynn's back as she calms down and begins to sleep.

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