Protect you [Chapter 10]

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Laurence's P.O.V

I woke up to Garroth and I sleeping in my bed. My eyes widened and I started to panic, but then remembered that Garroth and I were just cuddling. Considering, that I didn't wanna wake up yet and Garroth was still asleep I pulled the covers back up a bit more and started to cuddle with Garroth again, falling back into a slumber.

~'~ An hour later ~'~

I wake up again, only to see that Garroth wasn't next to me anymore. I shrugged and pulled up the sheet off me getting out of bed, I make my way to the living room and see Garroth attempting to flip a pancake but failed miserably, the pancake splitting apart. "Aw man...guess Laurence will the only one I didn't mess up.." Garroth complained a bit and pouted. I started to smiled a bit, and walked up next to Garroth. " made the pancake batter wrong, that's why your messing up!" I start to laugh and stare at the pancake batter, that had one to many eggs. Garroth laughed nervously, and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oops...sorry Laur..heh..." I rolled my eyes a bit and took the pancake Garroth had made and threw them away, along with the batter. "I'll cook this time Garroth, you me make them." I concluded and Garroth nodded his head excitedly. I went inside the fridge and grabbed more of the pancake batter, I then grabbed a big bowl and and mixing spoon. I got all the ingredients ready and handed them to Garroth so he could mix them, while I got the waffle maker ready and heated up. "Do I mix it now..?" Garroth asked, and clenched the mixing spoon tightly, I could tell he was excited to mix the batter and get the waffles done with. I looked over in the bowl quickly and then turned back towards the waffle maker, nodding my head and spraying some Pam on the waffle maker.

Garroth giggled excitedly and he started to mix the ingredients, I looked back at him and blushed a bit. I then laughed a bit and turned back to the waffle maker, finishing up the final touches. "Babe, are you done with the batter?" I ask but keep my eyes fixed on the waffle maker, making sure it didn't heat up TOO much. "Y-Yeah! I'm done Laur!" Garroth squeaked happily and picked up the bowl rushing over to the right of me, placing the bowl down next to me. "Thanks Love." I simply say and take the spoon Garroth left in the bowl, I scooped up a bunch of batter and plopped it into the waffle maker, making sure it's in a perfect circle. While I was making the pancakes Garroth watched with amazement, as I fluently placed another perfect circle of batter onto the waffle maker once I was done with the next, until we had enough for us to both eat. I unplugged the waffle maker and left it to cool off for a bit, I placed two waffles on Garroth's plate and placed two on my own plate. Garroth grabbed the syrup and turned the bottle upside down, but once Garroth squeezes the bottle the cap falls off and a bunch of syrup goes all over the pancakes. Garroth squealed a bit, and his expression turned sad. "Love, what's wrong?" I asked not noticing Garroth's situation. "The cap of the syrup fell off and a lot went all over my pancakes.." Garroth whined as I pointed at the syrup bottle. I sighed and looked down at my pancakes, "....take my pancakes Garroth, I'll try and scrap off as much syrup as I can off the pancakes." I mumbled, as Garroth's face lit up. "Really?!" Garroth cheerfully said, I nodded and we slid each other our pancakes from across the table. Garroth stood up from his seat and sprinted over to me, he took my face gently and locked his lips with mine. I kissed back almost automatically and we battled for dominance, a few seconds later Garroth gave in and let me win. I slid my tongue into his mouth and played with his tongue for a change, I circled his tongue with mine and he wrapped his arms around my neck, moaning a bit through the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer, Garroth tugged on my shirt a bit. We both pulled away from the kiss and Garroth smiled innocently as if we didn't just have a mini makeout session. "Thank you..Babe..." Garroth mumbled the last part, I smiled and kissed him on the cheek before we walked back to his seat starting to eat the pancakes. I started to scrap the syrup off the pancakes, disgust lingering on my face. Once I got all the syrup I could off the pancakes, I took a bite out of them. "It's not that bad." I empathized the word 'that'. While we ate Garroth and I got a text/invitation to Aphmau's birthday party today. Of course we accepted.

~'~ After breakfast ~'~

After breakfast, Garroth had gotten a random email from someone. Once he read the first few words of the email I heard a soft whine escape his throat. "What's wrong babe?" I asked peeking over his shoulder. My eyes widened as I read the email. "You...used to date Gene?" I asked, disbelief in my eyes. Garroth nodded and looked down, tears filled his eyes and he turned around starting to hug me a sob into my shirt. I hugged Garroth back and gently took his phone, reading the rest of the email. My jaw dropped, once I saw what he had said. "What does he mean, 'I've got your friends to trust me now.' And, 'Now you'll never leave me again'...?" I asked, a bit of jealousy. Garroth sighed and looked up at me. "How do you even know him..?" He questioned. "He used to go to my middle school. He was HORRIBLE!" I cringed as I remembered all the bad memories. "O-oh.." Garroth said, I could tell he was trying to stall from telling me the story. "Garroth...tell me what happened." I looked down at him. Garroth took a shakily breath and wiped his face. "Me and Gene used to date, but he was using me for my money...and he even cheat on me! Then whenever he was wrong he somehow made me that b-bad one!" Garroth exclaimed, a tint of anger showing in his eyes. "And the worst thing of all is that he's going to Aphmau's birthday party today....I'm not going to miss her first birthday party I've been her friend for!" Garroth continued, starting to panic. I pulled Garroth in for a quick kiss and pulled away, calming him down. "Babe...calm down. I'll protect you.." I sighed and smiled a bit. Garroth laughed and hugged me tighter. "My savior..~" Garroth played along and started to laugh even more, burying his face inside my chest.

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