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"Let me have this, just- no- let me have this."

"I'm not going to let you have this! You-"

"Shhhhh, don't say it out loud!"

He shoved her out of the busy walk way, covering her mouth, when a group of knights galloped by on horses. Their red capes flourished behind them, not a spot on them. Do they really even do anything when they went out on patrol? Ryia squinted her eyes as the men rode up to the castle.

Zackaria sighed behind her, a smirk on his face. Ryia rolled her eyes.

"They're going to know it was you." She said, brushing off the kicked-up dirt, from the horses, off of her dress. He gave her a look that said 'Sure, sure, whatever you say'

"So, what do you have to do for Her Royal Pain in the Ass, today?" Zack asked, picking up one of the three dozen eggs in her basket.

"I have to make her, and all of her Maidens, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and desert for the next week while they celebrate her birthday. So I have to stay stocked up in eggs, chicken, various types of soups, and strawberry pies until they leave. What about the Prince?" Ryia said in an irritated tone as she carefully took the egg back from him. Her basket had nearly everything she'd just listed, in it.

Her friend started to count on his fingers. "I have to: clean the stables, polish his battle armor, make his lunch, sweep his chambers, and accompany him to his battle ax training." Zack sighed, locking his hands behind his head.

"Sounds fun."

"Oh, trust me. Buckets of it." He scrunched his face of, Ryia laughed.

"At least you're friends with the Prince, the Warden is like a witch."

"I know- did you know that she was the one who got the King to-"

"To hang that girl for bringing her un-cooked chicken, even though she knew that there was no way it would be done when she requested it be brought up to her?" She was given a weird look. "I over heard her talking with her maidens."

She and Zackaria continued to walk, heading towards the castle so they could get their work done and maybe- if they're lucky- set aside some time to go to the dining hall. There, they had a beautiful piano. Zack played it for the King on birthdays, gatherings, meetings with one of the kingdom's allies, any sort of celebration, really.

He was lucky enough to live in the castle, though, since he lived with the royal cook- also known as his mother.

Ryia lived in the lower town inside the kingdom's walls, almost right next to the gates. There were plenty of shopping areas, bars, and houses between her and the Citadel.

She looked around the street, where there were vendors, citizens, horse dung, and hay all over the place. Nearly everyone was wearing peasant clothing; hand sewn dresses and shirts.

Zack was wearing a grey shirt with sleeves that went down to his elbows, the neck having the usual slit taken out of it with thread zig-zagging through it. His pants here long and black, the ends tucked into the boots she'd gotten him last Christmas.

He had black hair, it was in need of a slight trim, and slightly taned skin. Her own skin was lighter and her hair was brown, reaching down to her lower back even when tightly braided.

Just then, screaming was heard in the palace as the two neared it, Zack's mom running out through her emergency exit into the town square. She was jumping around, trying to shake something off of her, before a rat jumped out of her bra.

Zack started snickering, Ryia hit him in the arm.

"That's not funny," she started, trying not to laugh herself. "she's your mom."

"It's a little funny." He said, before his mother spotted him and started stomping over to him. Zack no longer had a smug attitude.



So, this is just a short story I'm posting. It'll probably have maybe two more chapters of this, it's just something I came up with when I was lost on what to think of for H&S.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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