Compton (Kendrick Lamar Story)

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   Kennedy P.O.V.

"C'mon Ken,before we're late" my mom called me. Our neighbors the 'Duckworth's' are having a party and invited us. Us as in my mom,my brother,sister and I. I really don't want to go. Anyways about me I'm Kennedy Amari King. I'm 12,turning 13 on June 17,I'm from Atlanta,Georgia and just moved to Compton yesterday. My brother and sister moved to Compton 2months ago,for sports so when school starts they'd already be playing. My brother Caleb is playing Varsity Football,and my sister is playing Varsity Volleyball. So they already know people up here,and I know nobody yet. Anyways I'm 4'11,favorite color is purple and I love Waffle House,but that was down south I guess I could get use to Roscoe's. I love Nas,and Tupac.

"Do I have to go?" I asked my mom

"Yes,you can't stay in all day and you need to make friends school is about to start"she told me,fixing my ponytail(I have dreads).

"Why,I don't need no friends ma"I told her

"You do,baby no one wants to be stuck in the house all day everyday,and at school sitting next to nobody"she told me,little did she know that I do

"Ma,I personally don't mind being a loner for life to be honest with you"I told her tying my red low-top Converses.

"Kennedy you don't and I'm not about to argue with you now let's go" she said pushing me out the door,and locking it. We walked across the lawn and into the Duckworths home. It wasnt big or small it was a 3stories like mines, but not as roomy.

"Kayla,you made it" a short brownskin lady said hugging my mom.

"I wouldn't of missed it for the world"mom told her hugging her back,I rolled my eyes knowing my family they'd go to anything where there's free food and drinks.

"This must be Kennedy"she said looking at me smiling

"Yes,it is Ken say hi to Ms.Duckworth" mom said pushing me. Oh so this is my neighbor.

"Hey"I said shyly,she pulled me into a tight hug and said "Come let me take you to where the other kids are". Before I could respond she was dragging me down to the basement,where a whole bunch of kids stood there laughing and talking but they all stopped once they saw me. I awkwardly stood there rubbing my arms. They stared at me for what seemed like forever.

"Guys this is Kennedy,Ms.Kayla other daughter you know the one that was still in Atlanta with her grandma." Ms.Duckworth told them "Be nice,and don't touch her Q"she said before walking back up the stairs leaving me standing there awkwardly. They kept staring at me and I got nervous and pulled my shorts down.

"Hey ma,how old is you?" a lightskin boy with a hat covering his wild curly hair,black lips,and dark shades asked . I was curious to why he had shades on inside but didn't dare to ask.

"12" I told him

"12? Girl you look about 9" a chubby lightskin boy with a bucket hat said,causing everybody to laugh. Yes,I was a slow developer,I have no booty,barely any chest,and was 4'11,every other 12year old had big boobs wore tight reveling clothes,lipstick,long weave,and acted older than their age. Me on the other had wore clothes that a regular 12year old wears,I don't even give niggas the time of day. I rolled my eyes at him and shifted my weight from my left leg to my right.

"Leave her alone Q,she just a baby and we don't wanna hurt her feelings" some stiff red weaving,big nose,fucked up teeth bitch said causing everyone to laugh. Then she walked up to me bent down to my level and said

"Is the little baby okay,did we make her sad are you gonna cry?"she asked in a baby voice. Something took over me and I punched her in her nose making it bleed causing the other girls in the room to run to her need,and the boys to laugh and the one with the curly hair to say

"Told you Sherane,somebody was gonna put you in yo place sooner or later".

"Bitch,I'll fucking beat yo ass,…no let me go she punched my nose and made it bleed imma kill her" the girl I punched whom I'm guessing is Sherane said trying to get out of her friends grip

"Let that hoe go,cause she can get these problems if she really want em" I said,before getting picked up off my feet and carried outside to the front yard,when I finally got put down I seen it was my brother Caleb and some other boys looking at me

"What?!?!" I yelled frustrated

"Ken,stop alright you promised you wasn't gonna fight this year" Caleb told me

"I know but that bitch should've never tried me on the set imma beat her ass,let me catch her on the streets" I said pacing back and forth. I'm not a gangbanger but I say on the set or on my mama when I'm forreal and not playing with someone.

"Damn,ma chill out" a dark skin built boy told me

"Who tf is you?" I asked cause I will fight a nigga

"I'm Jay Rock"he said

"Soul"the curlyhead boy said

"Q" the boy that called me small and started the whole thing

"Kendrick"a boy with big ears and a gap said. I nodded before telling Caleb bye and walking to my house and little did I know all these people where gonna be the outcome of my new life in COMPTON. But that was 5years ago.

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