From Panic To Realisation

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"Ross! Get in there! Emma's all alone!" Rachel screams at him as he tries to open the door to their apartment. "Oh crap!" He mumbles under his breath, turning the handle frantically. Rachel starts to panic more and more as Ross can't get the door open. "Don't worry, Rach. She'll be fine. Besides, she's asleep and my mom will be here soon with a key!" He tries to reassures her.

She constantly imagines heart-gripping scenarios and awful things that could happen to Emma whilst she is locked alone. Birds coming in through an open window. The stove still on and something setting alight. Water flowing free; starting to flood the place. Her falling out of the bassinet and hurting herself. Anything bad that could possibly happen, she would think of happening and freak out more and more.

"What if... What if... What if..."She kept crying out possible outcomes of their daughter being alone at such a young age. Tears run rigidly down her cheeks. Ross saw the hurt of not knowing and being unable to protect Emma in the way she cried and through her body language. She kept fumbling about, trying to explain problems.

She steps forward, closer to Ross and the door. She points at the door as she begins weeping about another thing. As her foot comes forward and her arms come up, Ross steps closer to her and pulls her body into his. He instinctively wraps his arms tightly around her and she immediately drapes her hands over his shoulders and around his neck.

She stops talking and all words of horror come to a stop. Rachel continues to cry. Her knees become weak. She would've fallen to the floor if it wasn't for the strength of Ross holding her to him. He soothes her as they stay holding onto each other. "She's okay. Everything will be okay!" He hums as he strokes her hair.

Judy soon turns up and Ross rushes to unlock the door. Rachel, still crying, follows Ross inside as he hurries to the bassinet. He gently picks his daughter up out of where she was laying and holds her close to him. With Emma smiling in his arms, he walks over to her mother and pulls Rachel into them.

She strokes her hand over her daughters hair, with the other around the back of Ross' body. Both Ross and Rachel pull into each other, hugging their family into the smallest of spaces. Holding onto each other, Rachel's breathing levels out and she calms down. Her nerves fading and the relief overtaking.

The three of them stand in this hug for many minutes. Rachel rubbing her hands up and down Ross' back and over Emma's hair. She needs to feel just how close the two of them are to her, making sure they won't slip away. Ross places delicate kisses on the foreheads of his daughter and Rachel. She finds comfort in him and they stay super comfortable in each other.

They see the light and the love they find and feel being so close to each other. The two of them realise what they have been hiding from. The feelings come out from hiding in the shadows as Ross and Rachel look across to each other. Their eyes meet and lock in contact. They know, in that moment, that they have the family of their dreams. The mom. The dad. The daughter. They have each other.

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