Weddings are Supposed to be a Happy Occasion...Decisions Need to be Made

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Ross and Emily stood up at the front of the hall, besides and in front of all of their loved ones. Chandler and Joey stood to the right of Ross as his sister and a friend of Emily's stood to the left of her. Phoebe listened to the ceremony over the phone whilst Joey held one up, near to Ross, so that she heard everything clearly.

Their last friend, Rachel, sat feeling lonely in the crowd of eye-witnesses. She had spent most of the last few minutes looking around the room and gazing at the floor -anywhere except from Ross and his soon-to-be-wife. Glancing up every few seconds to see the happiness spread across the face of the man she loved pained her. To know that you are not the one making your love smile is devastating.

Why was she there? How can she watch him get married? How could she ever face him again?

The reverent began the ceremony, starting with Emily. He resided her vows for her to repeat before she done what was needed. She vowed to stay with Ross, to love Ross, whether he be rich or poor, in sickness and in health, to the day death brings them apart.

Rachel sat, eyes glued to the man of her dreams, as this still-a-stranger promised to do all she can to make him happy. Tears balanced at the edge of her eyes as she fought the need to let them fall. It only took one line from Emily to push the first of the waterfall out of her eyelids.

The salty water poured from her eyes like a rapid river and blurred up her vision slightly. Rachel kept her focus on Ross as she wept, quietly in her seat. No one paid any attention to her as they watched the bride and groom promise a lifetime together.

More and more tears came, the less Rachel could listen or watch or even see through them. She held her hand over her mouth in attempt to keep all her sobs kept a secret from the world - especially from Ross.

Once Emily finished all she had to say, it was Ross' turn to speak. The priest stated "I, Ross..." As he soon repeated the same two words. Rachel twisted in her seat, so that her legs now sat a little in the aisle, but stopped her movements when the holy man continued to speak. "Take thee Emily..."

Rachel stood up in a sudden burst of pain and began to make her way out of the building. She started off down the aisle saying the words "I can't! I can't do this! I can't watch!" Over and over again as she headed for the exit.

Ross spun round at the noise and sudden movement, only to see his best friend and the woman he loved for many years - in a flood of tears and complete hurt - storm out of his interrupted wedding. He watched in slow motion as her feet made their way in front of each other in a speeded rhythm and waited for a clear thought to enter his mind.

"Rachel!" He called out. At the sound of her name in the voice she has missed so much in the last couple of years, she suddenly came to a quick holt and lowered her head to face the ground. She stood, shaking her head before she looked over towards Ross.

He had stepped closer to everyone watching, closer to Rachel, watching her intensely. She looked at him and more tears found her. They fell like hailstones, but only hitting her, only causing her pain. Or so she thought.

"Rachel," Ross stated in a soft whisper. "Where- Where are you going?" He asked, now showing his upset. By this time, Rachel had turned her entire body round so that she was facing Ross. Her lips quivering at the sight of Ross' pain on his big day and she shook her head some more. "I'm sorry, Ross! I'm so so sorry! But I can't do this! I can't be here! I have to leave!" So she turned back round and began to jog away and out of the hall.

Ross stood momentarily, re-living what she just said before he sprints after her, leaving Emily and all of their friends and family behind him. Rachel was just getting to the last door of the building to exit out into the British, London weather when Ross saw her figure again.

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