↑↓ The Strength in You ↑↓ Albert Wesker [4]

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She trudged through the tall grass with a sigh, throwing the man a look as he led the way. "I feel like a liability being dragged around by everyone." Alex scoffed and watched as Wesker cocked his head to the side to indicate he had heard her, though he didn't stop or slow down. "I hate being a liability."

"Patience, dear heart." Wesker chuckled amused at her irritation. He had run into her wandering around the cemetery while he had been after Barry. "You'll be able to fight for yourself eventually."

"Are you taunting me?" she snapped, and Wesker only grew more amused though he didn't answer her. She huffed behind him again. Several minutes of silence passed by before the loud angry cawing of T-virus infected crows sounded out causing the two to tense up and glance around hastily for the birds. The birds had quickly succumbed to the virus by having feasted on the infected flesh of the researchers and test subjects in and around the mansion and thus spreading it further and in a way none of the Umbrella researchers had expected.

"Ah!" Wesker drew his gaze to Alex to see her swinging her fisted hand at the birds that focusd on her, not wanting to use her pipe and possibly hit Wesker instead of a crow. Taking aim he waited for all of about two seconds, double checking to not hit the woman before three shots rang out and caused Alex to tense, covering her head with her arms as if that would help stop a bullet.

Wesker lowered his gun, a hand on his hip as he watched the black-haired woman in amusement as she stayed in that position for several seconds and than finally peeked an eye open at him. "You could've shot me!" she snapped suddenly, after blinking at him in shock. Wesker smirked and turned back to head towards the shack that he knew of in the area.

"We don't have time to sit here. Come."

"Hey!" she followed after fairly quickly none-the-less, taking her place behind him as he lead the way into the shack. Here he merely tossed the crank he had broken off from the pond off into one of the back rooms. It wouldn't due for Chris and Jill to get access to everything easily, after all. There was no fun in it.

Besides, he needed to buy some time to catch up to Barry who had headed off in the direction of the residence...


Chris cautiously stepped towards the direction of the cemetery he had seen earlier. Static filled his radio and snippets of a voice could be heard.

"... -spond..."

"Captain Wesker?" Chris inquires outloud pulling out the broken radio Richard had given him after finding the serum and bringing it back to him and Rebecca. The giant snake had been a real pain in the butt after that and he could see just what Richard had meant when he said it hadn't been an average snake.

"... monster in chains... ... -ot resist... ... -way... ... woods outside of mansion...."

"What does he mean...?"


Alex ducked under the swung chained hands of the mutated monster in chains Wesker had reported into the radio at his side. He had to keep his cover of being the S.T.A.R.S. captain after all. Alex hit the dirt and rolled as the mutation swung around to look for her current prey. "I think she wants to play with you, Alex." Wesker announces in his usual dry humor as he aimed at the mutated girl.

"Haha." she announced just as dryly as she rolled back up onto her feet to dodge around another attack, nearly getting hit in the face by one of the dangling chains over the monster's body. Wesker took a shot at the monster and waited to see what it would do. He didn't have the ammo to waste, though he did want to see just what this one was capable of before everything had to be destroyed by the end of this fiasco...

With a strangled scream and some thrashing the monster turned and aimed its sights on the blond. "Why don't you come and play with me, Lisa?"

Another strangled shout escaped Lisa's grotesque form before she charged at Wesker. He dodged the tackle easily enough, taking another quick pot shot at the experiment and keeping her attention on him for the moment. Alex watched for several minutes as this pattern continued, with Lisa attempted a different attack each time only for the man to dodge around it. With a sigh and a quick roll of the eyes Alex charged for Lisa and dove for the ground slamming her hand down on the ground by the mutation's legs and using her ice-ability.

Giant ice spike shot up out of the ground, impaling Lisa's legs and freezing around her limbs and around the ground causing her to shriek out in pain and to remain stuck to the ground. With a tired sigh Alex pushed herself back up onto her feet and stumbled back several steps in the sudden physical drain of energy that stunt had resulted in. Wesker watched as she braced herself against a nearby tree, and breathed in deeply. 'Well, this is new. Physical exhaustion for using the ability granted by the virus....' he mused as Alex struggled to keep standing.

'Note to self; don't use new ideas so recklessly. You'll have no idea how exhausted you'll end up...' Alex chided herself as Wesker continued musing over whether or not Alex would be able to grow used to using the powers - and thus grow less exhausted with each use... It would prove an interesting test, though now was not the time or place to test that theory out.

He grasped her wrist in his and lead them away, back towards the mansion and towards the other residence that was around the wooded area. And most noticeably away from the mutated form of Lisa. He made sure to keep Alex silent with a harsh stare (necessitating him taking off his sunglasses briefly to do so) in a silent demand as they passed by Chris, who followed the path like a good boy scout, leaving him none-the-wiser that the captain he was searching for had just passed him.


A quick headshot took care of the shambling corpse of a zombie that had spotted Chris. He waited several seconds before a loud chilling scream ripped through the silence as well as the sound of rattling chains and something solid cracking. He waved his firearm through the air ready for the source of the sound to come barreling at him at any moment. When nothing presented itself he cautiously lowered it and began moving along the path once more towards the shack in the distance.

The shack was a ramshackle little thing, with broken and dusty windows and all around run down on the inside. The shadows caused Chris minor paranoia, but nothing moved so he didn't fire at any of the imaginary ghouls. Checking out the inside of the shack thoroughly he managed to find a crank and inspecting it led him to find a square end. "This must be the crank to the pond..." he murmured to himself, solely to hear something and the fill the panic-inducing silence as he shoved the crank through a belt loop for safe keeping and turning to move back outside.

The door opened suddenly and he had only time to tense up and start to aim his firearm up before a hard knock to the head drifted him into unconsciousness, meeting the wooden floor with a heavy thud.


Alex shifted uncomfortably in the lift. She didn't like her personal space being invaded, and this lift was so small, but Wesker had insisted she come down with him. The lift ride only lasted all of twenty seconds but she was glad when the two were able to step out of the lift and into open space once more, only to have to hastily swing and hit a Cerberus in the face with her pipe once again. Both were quickly brought to death by two professionally aimed shots from Wesker, just before they lunged. Headshots were wonderful things...

He swiftly turned and ripped the lift's battery out of its place in the wall and thus allowing Alex to see just why she had been forced to be in tight quarters with someone else. She sighed and held out her hands. "Here." Wesker rose a brow at her so she further explained; "Let me hold onto it and ditch it somewhere else."

He handed the battery over for her to stuff into satchel and biting back another smirk. It seemed Alex wanted to be of use, which would be perfect for any plans he would need her for in the future....

↑↓ The Strength in You ↑↓ Albert WeskerWhere stories live. Discover now