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although she was loved by wannables, few of them hated her guts for being in an all boys group. saying things she wasn't.

one incident that scared the life out of her was that one day in a practice room where aeri, daehwi and jinyoung were practicing.

it was fairly afternoon around 2 pm and some of them were out buying them brunch and some of them were taking some air leaving deephwipie in the room, randomly dancing to the music played.

aeri was being aeri, hyperactive and energetic as usual so she kept dancing to the songs she heard.

"hello, can i see miss kwon please?", an unknown voice got the attention of the three which was utterly suspicious.

one, that unknown voice was a girl whom they've never met before and two, it's impossible for her to be a staff because staffs were required to have a id card hanged around their necks and she didn't have one.

jinyoung held aeri's hand protectively while daehwi asked, "what's your business with her miss?"

the girl smiled almost creepily as she faked a giggle, "oh nothing important just... me."

the girl charged towards aeri, pushing jinyoung away and grabbed aeri to pull her out of the room. gripping on her wrist, dugging her nails into the idol's skin.

"you, bitch.", the now called saeseng fan cursed at aeri as she roughly digging her sharp nail into aeri's arm, scarring it to bleed.

daehwi being fast, he grabbed his best friend quickly with all the strength he could muster.

jinyoung speed dialed sungwoon.

"hyung help!"

"what's wrong jinyoung-ah?"

"someone's trying to hurt aeri!"

sungwoon hung up and jinyoung tried to hold the crazy fan down along with daehwi while aeri was wincing in pain, holding her bleeding arm.

sungwoon was hella worried and immediately ran to the agency to save his dongsengs.

he literally took the stairs to get the said practice room. after he hung up on jinyoung he contacted the members to get their asses in a hurry.

and they did as soon as he reached the floor, woojin was already by the door with jihoon along with daniel who told them to stay back.

"the door's lock, so stay back!", daniel yelled.

unfortunately, jinyoung and daehwi couldn't hold the girl down any much longer as the crazy fan kicked their legs with full force, but muttering an apology afterwards.

"I'm sorry oppa, but i need to beat that bitch up!", the girl laughed while approaching aeri who was now hella pissed.

she pushed jinyoung and daehwi into a closet and locked it from the outside while aeri was trying to unlock the door to let the others inside.

"pathetic", the girl fake pouted as she made her way slowly to the young girl.

the voices from the outside made the crazy fan giggle, "oh look your oppas are here to save you. but too bad i locked the door."

the girl charged towards aeri which aeri successfully dodged as she hated to resort towards violence. she kept dodging her attacks until one hard slap on her head stopped her.

"you. took. my. oppa.", the girl repeatedly grumbled as she slapped her head again.

"you think you could take my oppas huh? you worthless slut.", that one insult took all the energy in aeri to push the crazy saeseng away.

"one two three!", sungwoon, daniel, woojin and jihoon used their bodies to force the door open.

after their third try, they succeed and went they got in, the saeseng was already pointing a pocket knife towards aeri.

"oh, oppa!", the saeseng beamed as she roughly threw aeri on the floor, rushing towards the four boys whom instantly held her down.

no offense, but jihoon and daniel can easily hold her down.

"aeri!", woojin rushed over to the bruised girl that was leaning her back on the mirror as tears streaming down her cheeks.

her legs were weak, her face was bruised, her breathing was irregular, her hands were shaking terribly and her left arm was bleeding.

"shush, oppa's here. you're okay.", woojin's calming voice slowing her heartbeat down.

woojin wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her in his arms. she tapped his chest trying to get his attention and pointed the closet. sungwoon immediately went there and unlocked it, freeing the two boys who were crying in fear.

the police came by a few minutes later along with jisung, minhyun, seongwoo and jaehwan.

the girl was brought away from the idol group and was arrested for harassing an idol and attempt murder.

aeri, jinyoung and daehei were rushed to the medics and got treated accordingly. when they got back home, aeri was unusually silent and had this blank expression on her face.

"aegi...", sungwoon called out softly as they settled down her room.

aeri didn't respond but instead kept rewinding the words that the saeseng called her.

slut, bitch, pathetic. you don't deserve to be in wanna one.

her tears automatically stream down. crying was an understatement now. she was bawling her eyes.

sungwoon immediately took the girl into his arms. her cries were silent but the hitches in her breathing were loud and clear.

she was blaming herself.

"hey baby, whatever happened wasn't your fault, okay? you're okay now. no one is going to hurt you. we're here for you.", sungwoon comforted her.

"she was right. i don't deserve to be in wanna one. I'm pathetic.", she sobbed in between cries.

sungwoon held her shoulders as he told her to look at him.

"you deserve to be in wanna one. you're not pathetic. even if we met in produce 101 but i felt as if i saw you grow. they don't know how hardworking and productive you are. how you never give up on your dream. they don't know that. so don't listen to them. they're not worth your attention. we love you. we don't want to lose you.", sungwoon sternly told the girl to knock some sense into her.

"i love you guys too. you're my brothers.", she tried to recompose herself before inhaling and exhaling.

aeri slowly made her way out of her room and into the living where all of them were at.

seongwoo noticed her and instantly gave her an embrace. soon everyone joined in.

"thank you.", she whispered.

BABY GIRL. WANNA ONEWhere stories live. Discover now