Part 3

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    Michael never came out as gay to anybody because of his anxiety, "Okay I didn't expect that" Squip looked taken aback by that, Jeremy wide his eyes "You likeguys?" Michael nodded "always have I've just been too anxious to tellanyone... except for my moms" "I see but hey I know now" Michaellooks at him "And you don't think it's weird?" "No not at all" Jeremy smiled at him and Michael smiled back relieved he excepted that part of him, "Oh yeah another reason I wanted you to comeover is that I found a way to get rid of your squip" "Really?" "Yeahyou know like how green Mountain Dew activated it Red Mountain Dew shuts itoff" "yeah?" "So guess what I got you" "You got it?" "Of course don'tyou know me, I'm the master of old stuff" Michael smiled as he got the bottleout of his bag, Jeremy smiles at him, Squip looked at Jeremy "don't you daredrink that, I'm trying to protect you Jeremy, if you drink that you'll never bewith Christine or popular" Jeremy hold his head in pain, "Jeremy?" Michaelasked worried, "The squip" Jeremy said, Michael held the drink up tohim "Don't take that Jeremy!" Squip warns, "Take my advice he can be dangerous,I don't have a good feeling about this" the squip sounded worried, Jeremy takesthe drink without a second thought, "Jeremy don't" Michael smiled at him"You'll be fine and everything will go back to normal" Jeremy nods to him anddrinks it, Pain goes through his body as he squip screamed before he faded. Jeremylooks at Michael "You Okay?" "Yeah" Michael smiled and pulled him intoa hug "how do you feel? Do you still hear him? Is he gone?" Jeremy nods to him "Heis gone" "Great" Jeremy smiles at him "But what did he say before he left?Sorry I'm just really worried about you" "He said don't drink you willregret it" "You won't regret it don't worry" "Yeah I know"Jeremy smiled at him even though his head hurts, "Question, do you believe inthe supernatural?" Michael asked out of nowhere, "Yeah Why?" "WellI've been hearing that there are more and more hunters and monster coming out...""I see" "Everyone can be a demon or a hunter and that kinda scaresme" Michael looked at him "You get what I'm saying?" "Yeah I get it"Jeremy was confused "Do you know any hunters?" Michael hesitated for a bit before asking "And how scared are you of demons?" "I don't know any hunters and I think I'm not why?" Michael played with the end of his hoodie awkwardly, Jeremy looked at him "Is something wrong?" "I don'tknow..." Michael looked away "....maybe" "Okay?" Michael stayed quitenot making eye contact, Jeremy looked at him worried. "The claw marks...." "Yeah what is about them?" "....I made them" "You?" Jeremy askedconfused, Michael nodded as tears started to spill from his eyes but the tearshad a red tint to them, Jeremy widens his eyes as he has never seen Michaelcrying, "... I'm a demon... a blood born to be exact... as you know I'm adoptedand I don't know anything about my parents... me and my moms found out when Iwas like 3 years old and transformed for the first time... since I've beentelling you everything that has been going on in my life, you needed to knowthis but I was scared..." Jeremy looks at him shocked, "Also I've been in lovewith you for a long time but I know you're straight and now hate me" Jeremylooked at him still shocked "You love me?" Michael nodded tears stillrunning down his cheeks, Jeremy blushes a bit " Oh I didn't knowthat" "Of course you didn't, you always were talking about how much youlike Christine" Michael said a bit hurt, "Yeah I know, I am sorry""It's fine, I mean I'm your best friend after al......" "Yeah you are mybest friend" Michael looked at him "You still like me... as a friendright? Even though you know... I'm a monster.... who's gay for you?" Michaelwas close to crying "I don't know what I should say that is pretty muchfor one day" "I.... I know .... and I understand if you don't want to talkto me anymore..." Michael started crying again, Jeremy looks at him " nowhat are you talking about?.... Michael please don't cry" "I-I'm sorry...." hecried harder, Jeremy hugs him and Michael hugged back. "I love youtoo" "W-what?!" Michael was taken aback by his comment. Jeremy blushes madly "I love you too MichaelI know you would never know that" "Why?" "Because like you said Ialways talked about Christine" "yeah?....." Michael looked at himconfused, "Actually I like you for a long time now" "Y-you do?!"Michaels sad look turned into a smile, "Yeah..." Jeremy blushes andlooks down, Michael chuckled "you're so adorable" "I am not adorable"Michael smiled at him, "You are~" "No " Jeremy blushes, Michaelchuckled "You are, But you should go home it's getting late, your dad might getworried" Michael said as he looks at the time seeing it's pretty late "YeahI should" "Don't get attacked by a demon" Michael said as a joke, Jeremygiggle and gets up smiling at Michael, Michael smiled back and also stood upwalking with him to the front door and opened it for Jeremy, Jeremy smiles"Okay see you tomorrow" he walks outside the door "cya" Michael smiledand waved at him as Jeremy walks outside, Jeremy waves back and walks off tohis house.     

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