Life Events

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Since I was born at six months, I've had 15 surgeries. Three of them were on my brain, about six were taking/putting tubes in my ears, back surgery, tonsils and adenoids removed. I've collapsed in a total of eight surgeries. Waking up from anesthesia, I've had a couple scare attacks. I'd try to take my IV out of my hand or arm when I'd wake up. I'm more afraid of the IV when waiting for surgery instead of the actual operation itself, silly I know! My last surgery, I had two years ago. I had done a partial double mastectomy, I had twelve tumors removed from both breasts. It's been since August 22nd, 2012 I've had it done. My scars are healing better and couldn't be happier with a smaller chest.

15 Surgeries in 17 YearsWhere stories live. Discover now