Chapter 1

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Y/n POV:

I sat in the choir room with Santana next to me and my twin brother, Blaine, on the other side of me. Santana was my best friend, Rachel was alright and Kurt was my gay best friend.

Blaine recently transferred to be with his boyfriend, which is so cute.

'So, remind me again why you didn't originally go to Dalton Academy. Or why Blaine didn't come here?' Santana asks me.

I turn to her. 'Because Dlaton Academy is an all boys school. And Blaine really wanted to go there, I didn't want to crush his dream for myself.'

'Like that usually stops you.' Santana smiles to herself.

I take a laugh. 'Says the bitch of the school.'

She laughs.

----small time skip----

'Y/n?' Blaine says.

'Hm?' I hum a reply, taking out a headphone.

'I'm gonna ask you a small favour that I hope you accept.'

'Oh god, here we go.' I roll my eyes jokingly. 'What is it?'

'Will you come to Dalton Academy?' He asks. I raise my eyebrow. 'I want to give them all tickets to see our performance of West side story.'

'And you need me because ... ?' I lightly shake my head, pausing my music and taking out my other headphone.

'Be ause you're my sister and I want moral support. You also never got to actually see Dalton, so it gives you a chance to see it.' He explains.

'Do I have to?'


'Dammit, why?' I ask, he laughs. He grabs my hands and pulls me up.

'Come on.'

'You're lucky I'm a nice sister.'

'Nice? You? You should be a comedian.' Blaine jokes, I jokingly hit him lightly.

Sebastian Smythe x reader (Glee)Where stories live. Discover now