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Hermione's POV

It only took a word to tear him away from me.

No, two words.

  Words on their own aren't particularly lethal. No, just sound, coming from one's mouth. Nothing too special.

  Words paired with wands can be fine too. Spells can help people, heal them. They can make people laugh. Nothing too harmful.

It's only words that are paired with the intent to kill another human that is truly dangerous.

"Avada Kedavra!"

  A flash of bright green light flashes towards me at a deadly speed. I squeeze my eyes tightly together, preparing to feel the shock of pain as those two words take the life from me. I faintly hear a screamed no coming from near me. Unimportant. But nothing comes. I try to get up, not realizing that I'd fallen to the ground, but I feel the weight of something on me. A body. I slowly crack my eyes open, gaze falling on a familiar mop of platinum blond hair. Draco.

I couldn't move, frozen in shock. No, it couldn't be, but yet it was. I started into his soft grey eyes, once filled with life, but now cold and empty, like stone. His already pale face had been drained of all color.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" I screamed out at the Death Eater that'd taken his life, wand shaking in anger. He dropped to the ground, lifeless. I felt a surge of satisfaction, quickly replaced by guilt. What had I done? Had I really been mad enough to kill? That was the first life that I'd taken in the war. I could've knelt there next to him for the rest of my life.

But no, I had to help Harry. "Promise I'll come back"


3rd person POV

10 years later

"Hey, there. Y'know, even after all these years, I still don't know quite what to say. Well, being the Minister of Magic is a hard job. Yesterday, Charlie told me that a Norwegian Ridgeback escaped. Now I have to go track him down." At this she shook her head and sighed. "Everything's harder without you here. I miss the way that your eyes twinkle when you laugh, and the way you'd hold me close. I miss everything about you. Well, today I brought you roses. They're blue, your favorite color! You always said that it reminded you of the dress I wore to the Yule Ball. Gotta go, see you again tomorrow" Hermione then set the roses down on the ground next to a grave.

Draco Malfoy, A hero, lover and friend. You died far too young.

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