Chapter 1; Heartbreak

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A/N so I recently read this book called 'The Names They Gave Us' by Emery Lord. It's so good, I love it so much! So thanks to that book, I got inspired to write this story! :)

Lucy POV

"Lucy, I need to talk to you."

"Yes?" I gulped down the lump in my throat.

The sequins of my dress were pressed against my skin, probably leaving a red marking behind. The once comfortable dress, was tight and I felt like I was suffocating.

"I don't think I can do this."

I couldn't look at him straight, tears stung my eyes painfully. I felt that sickening feeling in my stomach like the butterflies had died.

"What do you mean?" I managed to say.

The corridor was more quieter compared to the hall room that was filled with people dancing and laughter. I hated the silence.

"I mean.." Loke looked away and clenched the end of his crumpled black silky tuxedo. "I don't want to be with you."

I bit my lip and slowly nodded my head, as if I understood what he was saying but in reality, I could barely comprehend a word that came out of his lips.

"Okay. I understand." I said softly.

I faked a smile and finally looked at him. "Maybe we're not meant to be."

Maybe I'm just being too prideful to admit that I was hurt. I gave him the best years of my life but I knew he had his eyes on another. I just refused to admit it to myself.

"Glad you understand, we can still be friends though." Loke smiled at me.

His smile was a mixed of pity and true happiness; as if he really wished the best for me.

"Yeah sure," I replied, holding back the urge to break down.

Loke glanced abit at the dance hall doors and his smile turned into a slight frown. "Well I have to go, uhm..goodnight I guess..?"

It sounded more like a question rather than a firm statement. Loke spread his arms open.

I reluctantly fall into his arms and enveloped him with my shaking arms. I felt his nose nuzzle into my neck. I couldn't react, I didn't know whether to smile; be happy for him or cry.

"I love you. I really do." He whispered.

I loosen my grasp around him and pressed my face lightly on his shoulder. The tears felt heavy in my eyeballs.

"Same here." I whispered back.

He slowly let go of me and loosely grabbed onto my elbows. He smiled at me one last time before walking away, leaving me feeling so cold and alone.

I collapsed on the floor and let the tears flow. Luckily, my long blonde curled hair hid my face. I just wanted to be held.

Levy POV

"Take your time Levy, please just..please just think through this." My mother told me shakily.

She rested on the pure white bed, her hair spread across the pillow. Her gentle white skin was pierced through with grey wires. All I could hear were our voices and the clock ticking.

I gingerly held her hand. "Mom, I've thought through it enough." I smiled to reassure her.

But on the inside, I wasn't sure at all. I just wanted to be by her side despite losing everything I've owned.

"But are you listening to yourself? You've gotten a scholarship to a well-known company and you want to drop out of it?" She asked once more.

She repeated it about 5 times today. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Yes, to take care of you." I said again.

My mom sighed and looked up at the ceiling. I saw something watery and glistening in her eyes.

"Please rethink." She said.

I sighed heavily and shook my head left and right. "Okay." I half lied.

I know what's best. I want to take care of mom, even if it meant having to lose the scholarship of a life time. I want to be able to ensure her safety and happiness every second.

"Thank you honey." My mother's dry pale lips formed a small smile.

I gently placed her hand on her stomach and smiled back.

I need to get away from all of this.

Yukino POV

"Sorano-nee?" I said while peaking through my sister's pale blue door.

Sorano-nee was on the floor, cross legged, in front of an opened red luggage. Her clothes were neatly folded and stacked beside her and her wardrobe was emptied out.

"Mm?" Sorano-nee hummed as she turned around and faced me.

I shuffled my feet towards her and plopped down beside her. I eyed the luggage and all her clothes. "Must you go?" I innocently asked.

Sorano-nee sighed and messed up my hair a little. "You know I have to.." she said softly.

I frowned and gripped onto the end of my white shorts. "But I'll be so lonely.." I mumbled.

Sorano-nee took her hand away from my head and stared at me with sympathy. She looked like she was about to say something but decided not to.

Without a word, she turned the other way and began packing her clothes again.

Deathly silence hung in the air. My eyes roamed around and studied her pale blue room. It had a dull feeling compared to how much warmth and love it once brought. Only emptied and opened wooden cabinets and wardrobes. Her dark blue bed sheets were hanging onto the edge of her grey bed. Our family photos were still resting peacefully on her desk, untouched and dusty. The curtains were folded neatly under the windows.

"But I'll be so lonely." I repeated with my voice cracking at every word.

My eyeballs felt heavy as tears threatened to roll down my cheeks.

Sorano-nee stopped packing and looked at me. Her lips formed a smile and a teardrop rolled down her right cheek. "I don't want to go either, Yuki." She stopped and took a deep breath. "But I have to. I'll be back in a month. Besides, it's summer. Why don't you go and adventure out to keep yourself occupied?" Sorano suggested while gazing at the half opened window.

"I have no one." I said, letting my bangs cover my eyes.

Suddenly, Sorano-nee pulled me into a tight hug. "We're in debt. I have to find a way to fix this. Please.." She let go of me and cupped my cheeks.

I frowned, still not letting the tears flow and nodded my head slowly. Sorano-nee stood up with a box in her hand. "Now, I need to return all these things to my collage mate, be back in a while." She grinned at me before leaving.

Oh Sorano-nee.

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