Chapter 9

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I woke up the next day and called for the nurse to come in. She handed me some clothes and crutches.
But the clothes weren't mine.

"Excuse me? These aren't my clothes." I said.
"Uh yeah they are. They were given to you by a Mr. Styles." she winked at me and left so I could change.

It was a beautiful teal see through silk shirt with a bow on it and light blue shorts. The shoes were gladiator sandals. It also came with jewelry but I didn't dare open it yet. I paid for my hospital bill and hopped on the bus. 

The bus dropped me off at my door step. I walked to my door with the crutches and went inside. My car was in the driveway. I was glad it was back. I called the police department to pay off my ticket but the said it had already been paid for. I didn't question it. (BFF/N) had probably paid for it.

I looked at the pills that had been prescribed for me. I'd only take pain medication. Not depression pills. I saw what it did to kids when they were on drugs. They'd shoot up schools and shit.  I got some jello and mixed it with chicken broth and ate it. I knew this would help heal my ankle faster. I'm on crutches for 6 weeks. But I had to get a job fast. 
I saw a note on the kitchen table. It was from (BFF/N).

It read:
Don't worry girly. Don't get a job just yet. I've got it covered. You relax and heal. I'll pay for all your expenses. Actually Liam will. He's such a doll. I'll keep you updated. Also Harry paid for your car and ticket. He told me not to tell you but I can't keep my mouth shut. Love you. See you in six months.
Love, (BFF/N) 

Harry paid for all that? And my clothes? I decided to open up the bag of jewelry. I dumped out the bag and out fell another note. 

It read:
 But I know you could hear me sing you that song.

So he knew I was awake. Shit. That must have hurt. Well I better save this one too. The jewelry contained teal bow earrings and a gold necklace. He sure knew how to spoil a girl. 

I ordered pizza and decided to watch TV. As soon as I turned it on the NEWS came up with a brand new story. Mine...

"It's the newest sensation on Youtube and all media. (Y/N) Harry Styles ex girlfriend breaks down in a Tow Place. She ended up breaking her ankle and is now recovering. Next up an interview with Harry Styles and how this relationship went."  the news lady said.


That was the door bell. The pizza must be here. I opened the door and the pizza man's jaw dropped. 
"Oh my god no way brah!" He said. "You're the crazy chick from the video. Broke your ankle and shit. That's so rad brah. Oh that'll be $11. Hey can I have your like autograph?" he asked.

I took a napkin and signed it. He gave me my pizza and headed off. I have never had that before and I never wanted it again. I sat back down just at Harry's interview started.

News: Harry what do you have to say about your ex girlfriends out burst. Is she crazy, heartbroken, is she a Taylor Swift? I think the video speaks for itself."

H: No she's nothing like that at all. She's an angel and I love her. That outburst on camera wasn't from us breaking up. She had just gotten promoted the day before and then was fired the next day. Then her car got towed and she was given an expensive ticket. When she went to wait for her car,  oil was spilled on her clothes by a careless worker, and then she had enough and kicked the wall. I feel so bad. I thought my fans would be accepting of her. I know some are. But I read what they said to her. About her. It was terrible. She isn't fat and she isn't ugly. She is so talented, and she is everything I have been searching for. She is too good for me. But she chose me and for that I love her. But we aren't together anymore. But I don't see myself with anyone new for a while. So yeah.

Fake Girlfriend to Real Girlfriend (Harry Styles X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now