chapter 11

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                Dinah's POV

I walked off the bus because I wanted some fresh air before we hit the road. I already told the girls I am going for a walk since the bus dont leave for a hour. I started walking down the street and when I got near a flower shop I stopped walking. I always wonnder if Lauren and Camila give each other flowers because I think they are dating since they always look over at each other and if one catches one they blush. Camila blushes alot around Lauren, they have been going places alone and I think they are secretly getting it or flirting or kissing behind or something or they could be doing vampire things. I shook out the thoughts and continued walking, after a while I started walking back to the bus. Half way to the bus I felt a wind go by me and it wasnt windy or anything so it was like when Lauren ran in her vampire  speed. I started walking again but stopped when I noticed a guy a few feet from me watching me.

"your Dinah right" he asked

"yeah" I said walking up to him but stopped a couple steps away.

"have Lauren told you anything about vampires"

"they dont exist" I said even thought I knew they did I dont know if this guys does or why he is asking if Lauren told me anything about vampires.

"I know your lying"

"no I am not"


"yeah" I said then I saw fangs come out of his mouth

"I know Lauren told you and you are going to give her a message for me" he said walking up to me which made me back up but I went sideways so he got me against the wall.

"what message"

"tell her that he is back and she will do my plan or else and tell her I am watching and if you fail to give her the message you will become one"

"a message"

"no a vampire but I can turn you into a message"

"what do you mean"

"well I can kill you and write a note on top of your body"

"she will get the message"

"good" he said backing up so I took the chance and ran.

            Lauren's POV

Camila and I was in her bunk talking when I heard Dinah come in yelling for me.

"stop yelling Dinah she is in Camila's bunk" I heard Ally say

"ok" she said and not long after she opened the curtain to her bunk.

"can I talk to you in private Lauren"

"sure I will be right back Camz"

"ok" she said before kissing my cheek then I got out and I followed Dinah into the back lounge.

"whats up" I said sitting on the couch and she just stood which is weird because usually she would sit down.

"what would you do if somone came to me and gave me a message for someone that they are watching them and they want them to be apart of their plan"

"what are talking about"

"some guy came to me today while I was walking and he told me to tell you that he is back and you will be in his plan or else and he is watching and he is a vampire"

"describe him"

"he is like 6 foot tall he is like Camila's height a little taller, he is really pale like you since he is a vampire, blue eyes and black hair"

"shit" I said standing up because she just described the vampire that bite me and i had a feeling it was him when she said he was back and that he was a vampire and it was conformed when she described him"

"what is it"

"he is the one that bite me, I am going to have to train Camila and Normani and tell them why they have to learn to fight, you and Ally can join too if you want but it will be hard for a human to hurt a vampire"

"I will learn because he scared me today with his words"

"what he say"

"well he said if I didnt tell you he would turn me into a vampire but I thought at first I was going to be a message so he said he could do that by killing me and leaving a note on my body"

"dont worry he wont I will make sure he wont hurt you and now I got to get Camila and Normani back here"

"I will get them" she said before opening the door before she started yelling for them. A few mins later they came in asking whats wrong so I know they didnt listen to our conversation plus it would be on their minds. After I told them Normani started pacing thinking about what if Ally got hurt or Ally this and Ally that, I am pretty sure that girl has a crush on her with her protection over Ally. Camila scooted closer to me and putted her head on my shoulder and we watched Normani and Dinah was standing at the door watching her. This is the very first time that Normani freaked out about Ally safety so I guess we are trying to see if she admits she is her crush in this or something.

                      30 mins later

Normani is still freaking out and right now I wish Ally would come throught that door but I guess she is listening to music or asleep since she havent came back here to see why Dinah was yelling and Normani yelling before.

"Normani we get it shut up, no one will get hurt" Dinah said when it got to much for everyone in the room.

"I am going to my bunk and when the bus stop we are starting practice then" I said before going to my bunk. A few mins later Camila pulled the curtain back and asked if she could lay beside me and we can talk and I said yea and scotted over so she can get in the bed. She cuddled into my side and I pulled the blanket over us because even though we dont get cold, Ally has to believe we are human unless it comes to the time when we have to tell her that we are not.

Lauren Jauregui is a vampire (a Fifth Harmony fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now