Barry is the first one up. He watches Caitlin sleep. "Your so beautiful", barry whispers. Everyone is still asleep. So Barry thought he make breakfast. Barry sets the table. "Ok so I got the butter croissants and the orange juice an eggs plus bacon just in case", Barry said to himself. He places the food on the plates. Barry thought he'd wake up everyone interestingly. So he runs in circles and he throws lightning at the ground creating a loud noise. "Oh my god what is going on", iris yelled. "Well iris and Scott is certainly up", said barry as he laughed. "Is everyone ok", said Caitlin. "What was that", said Oliver and Kara. "I hope anyone didn't die", said felicity. Everyone walks out the room. "Looks the the employees came though", said iris. "No I made breakfast of my own", said Barry. "Thanks Barry we will love it", said Caitlin and Kara. "Get you a man that can cook", Barry joked. Kara looked at Oliver. Oliver scoffs. "Shut up Barry", said Oliver. "I love you just the way you are", said Kara. "Can we all just enjoy this breakfast Barry made please", said Jospeh. "I agree", said felicity. "We should go out separately", said Scott. "You know the girls can have a girls night and the boys can have a boys night", said Scott. Everyone stared at Scott with an blank expression. "What bad idea", said Scott. "No it's actually great", everyone said at the exact same time. "Everyone can bond more and tell secrets", says felicity. "Girls were going to the beach pack your things", said Caitlin. "Well I guess we can go to a nice beach club", said Oliver.
"Did anyone bring wine", said iris. "I did", said Kara. Everyone places a blanket down. "So any secrets you guys wanna spill", said Kara. Caitlin looks down and smiles. "Caitlin is there anything you want from Barry", said felicity and iris. "Um maybe I want you know to fill our 7 bedroom house, with maybe kids but Barry doesn't have time for that", said Caitlin. Everyone gasp. "Are you kidding Barry has always wanted kids", said iris. "Caitlin we may be heroes but that won't stop us from actually having a life", shad Kara. "I'm sure Barry wants a family", said Kara. "I mean when I was joking and said we are going to have 13 kids he smiled brightly and he said whatever I want", said Caitlin. "See you guys can start a family", said iris. "So iris what about you and Scott you guys have been dating over a year", said Kara. "Scott he's great he loves me and I him but we are going to have the slowest relationship because I need to get used to him around", said iris. "Felicity and what about Jospeh", said Kara. "He is good to me, he reminds me of me I see a future with him", said felicity. "So Kara and Caitlin why did you two say yess to Barry and Oliver", said iris. "Well barry is perfect to me and I love him so much he will always be there for me and I need him I love him", said Caitlin. "I can see I change Oliver we are the best for each other I love him then I can even describe we have a special bond", said Kara. "You guys are lucky", said iris. All the girls smiled.
All the guys just drink. But they see two people . "Is that Caitlin and Kara", said Jospeh. The two girls walk up to Oliver and Barry. "Babe what the heck are you doing here", said Caitlin's doppelgänger. "I should be asking you that", said Barry. The woman sits on his lap. "Hey Ollie wanna hang", said Kara's doppelgänger. "Guys I think they are doppelgängers", said Scott. "Oh back up lady", said Oliver and Barry. Everyone was freaked out so they went to the hotel. "Hey girls how was your night", said Barry. "It was great", said Caitlin. "Barry can I talk to you", said Caitlin. Everyone knows they will talk about kids. "Barry remember that joke I made about having kids", said Caitlin "yeah you were just joking", says Barry. "Barry after we get married can we maybe try to have kids", said Caitlin. Barry signs. "I don't have time for that we are superheroes and a child could get in the way sorry", says Barry. "That's fine", Caitlin says. Barry walks away from Caitlin. "Barry this doesn't change anything right", said Caitlin. But Barry doesn't answer....

Does he love me? (Snowbarry fanfiction) (still in works)
RomanceTeam flash is having a lot of drama going on but A future about Barry and caitlin. Caitlin wonders if Barry has developed feelings for her. They way Barry has been acting looks like they have each other wrapped around their finger