Chapter 1- Return

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Calling Ethan Gold So no one gets confused. All other characters use there Game Names.

Gold Sat on the Wooden Steps of Professor Elm's Laboratory, a Light Autumn Brezze Blowing through his Hair. He had been Waiting for almost half a hour for someone to let him in the Lab. I could be Doing something more useful like... He realized with a Sigh that he had nothing better to do.

It had been 4 Years since He had beaten the Elite Four. He had Traveled to Hoenn and Sinnoh, For the Last year he had been wondering around the Johto Region, not doing anything Exciting.

"Uhhh... Oh ya Gold! How you been! It's been a While!" Gold was a bit confused who was talking to him until he saw the Raticate Following the Boy. Is that Joey? The one that always called to talk about his Ratata? How is he Professor Elms Assistant?!

"Hey, why are you still standing there staring at me like that? Come on, Kris and Lyra are already here!"

Gold smiled. It had been a While since he had Seen his Friends. Meganium sure will be happy to see Typhlosion, and Feraligatr! "Oh and that Red haired kid is Here to. Don't tell him I said this, but he's kinda Creppy."

Gold had Been Drowning Joeys Worlds out, thinking of Silver. He's Here? Silver! I hadn't in Forever!

Joey Pulled Him into the Lab. The overwhelming smell of Tamato Berry filled the Room. Gold probably would of thought of a Snarky Comment about the Smell, but his mind was still racing with thoughts of Silver.

He snapped out of his Daydream when Professor Elm nearly yelled "Ahh Gold! Welcome Back!" He looked around the Room, Lyra Gave him a Small Smile and a Wave, her Marill Resting on her Shoulder. Unlike Lyra, Kris came Bounding over to Gold, her Tangela having trouble keeping up with Her.

"Golddd! Oh my Arcues! How are you! It's been so long! I'll have to show you the Costume I got for Tangela!" Gold Ignored the fact it seemed Impossible for a Tangela to wear Clothes, and he looked over to Silver Leaning against the Wall in the Corner.

He couldn't see his Face because of how silver had his Head down. I wish he would keep his Head up so I- We could see his Face. He always seems so Depressed.

Professor Elm Cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention "So... have any of you heard of Alola?" Before anyone else could Respond Kris started to loudly explain how she had heard of Alola, and how it has Beaches and other facts almost everyone knew. After a While Elm managed to calm down Kris so he could speak.

"We have seen Pictures of certain Kanto Pokémon having Different forms in Alola, and We tried to get Red and Blue to go, but there in the World Tournament in Unova, and Green is... Well no one knows were She is... Anyways we decided you all Whould be the Perfect fit because your all so Experienced! We already got you Places to Stay so Please don't Say No... We've got Kris and Lyra A room in Viridian City, and Gold and Silver you'll be sharing a room together in Celadon City.

A small Blush started to Crawl up Golds face. I'm staying in a Room with Silver?!

First chapter is out, I hope you guys liked it. I was up all night writing this so I hope it was worth it (It probably wasn't) I've decided to add a Little Gif to the Bottom of each story so... I guess you like them? There's nothing much to explain about it... Hope you all have a Good Day!

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