Beginning Of A New Life

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A/N: just to clear things up about my first chapter.
California is mentioned as being a 'small town'. This is only because it is small compared to their last home
This is sort of like an intro chapter to the book. It is still titled chapter 1 though.
Please feel free to comment and make corrections to my work so I can change it to make it better.
• lastly, please don't be a ghost reader. If you like my book- vote for it. If you don't well give me suggestions as to how I can make it better.
Thank you
My parents were rich. We had a great house. A loving family. We had a great life- or so I thought. Until the age of ten everything was good. I had lots of friends and I was happy. Then when I was eleven I started to get bullied. I came home each night with different bruises and cuts from the physical abuse I copped at school. Then at night, when my parents thought I was asleep, they would argue. Then in the morning they would act like nothing happened and that they still loved each other. They didn't know that I knew about the arguing. If I thought that was bad it got worse when my father started to abuse my mother. I would see her cuts and bruises in the morning and when I asked what they were, she brushed them off, said they were nothing.
Then my dad filed for divorce. He split us up. We lost everything. When my parents divorced, my mum and I lost the money. My mum and I packed up and left within a week of the divorce. We moved house. Moved state. We sold our house and travelled for awhile - not knowing where we will sleep the next night. We finally settled in a small town- California- to have a new life. We bought a small house and new clothes. I even got a haircut and dyed my hair. I bought some makeup to cover the bruises and cuts. We took 'a new life' to the extent where my mum bought me a fake ID. I am to be starting school here within a week.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Today is my first day at my new school. As I get out of the car and walk towards the school I can't help but feel a little bit worried. What if all this was for nothing? What if the bullying doesn't stop? What I- . My thoughts were interrupted by a gentle voice saying: "can I help you?"
I hadn't noticed that I had entered the schools administration office.
I walked to the front desk. "Yes actually. I'm supposed to be starting school here today." My voice came out more like a whisper. It was barely audible over the sound of files being sorted in the room next door. "Ah yes. Are you Lea Woods?" I nod my head. The lady reaches under the desk. "This here is your timetable. Your home room is down the corridor," she said "No need to be so shy, I'm sure the kids here will love you." With that she turned back and continued with her work. I start to walk down the corridor. I am once again left to unjumble my thoughts. What if they don't like me? What if they find out about my past? I reach the door that the lady at the front desk said was my homeroom. I reach out a trembling hand and turn the handle. I push open the door and walk through. when I open the door I can't help but notice the posters of the school logo around the classroom. Emery High School. What I wasn't expecting was what happened when I walked through the door- I was bombarded with "hello's" and "welcomes". I could already tell that I would like it here.
I had managed to survive my first day at Emery High. I was now sitting in the school cafeteria eating my lunch. Alone. The day was nearly over and I still hadn't made any friends. But what did I expect? It was, after all, my first day here and to be honest I probably looked like a freak or a wannabe. My hair was shorter than it used to be, but still long. It was brown with lighter brown ombré. I had ripped denim shorts, muscle t-shirt and my old converse*. I had successfully remembered my locker code and my way around the main part of the school, I had finished all class work and I haven't gotten a detention. Today was pretty good.
I was jerked from my thoughts by a bang on the table and I could feel the cold splash of my milk as it spilt onto my legs. "So. You're the new girl huh?" Geez, news travels fast at this school. I looked up at the voice which was speaking to me, "I didn't think she'd look like a slut." A pretty blonde stood in front of me, oh how cliché, probably Queen Bitch, behind her stood two other girls, no doubt her 'faithful followers'. "Excuse me?" I asked. I was totally and utterly confused. "Oh, I'm pretty sure you heard me," she said as she leant in close, "Just so you know, I will do whatever it takes to maintain my role as Queen at this school." With that she turned and left dragging behind her, her two designer fashion-clad followers. I was distracted by the sound of a tray clattering to the table beside me, I turned in shock, and surprise, to see a girl sitting down nest to me. "I see you've met Summer, Queen Bitch of the school-Sorry, how rude of me, I'm Holly Hartwell." The girl said.
For the rest of lunch Holly continued to tell me about Summer and other things about the school. Then the bell sounded, signalling the end of lunch. "Let me see your timetable, what class do you have next?" I handed Holly my timetable. She didn't reply, but she suddenly looked really happy. "We're in the same class for next period!" She exclaimed. I was really happy that I had made a new friend, but right now I had to concentrate on getting to class.
* the clothes will be on my polyvore account. It is: jtyrrell0910
It says 'and my old converse' they may not look old because she takes care of her shoes. This pair is the only pair left from when they moved house.

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