Meet Me At The Gates...

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I woke up. The lights were blinding, the monitor was beeping and I could hear shoes shuffling around. I quickly shut my eyes again to block out the light. "Ah. I see your awake. Good. And sorry about the lights." I turned my head to see who was talking and saw a tall man in a white coat, and white pants. His glasses were perched on the end of his nose and his greying hair was slicked back with gel. "We are just preparing a bag for you to take home. It has your pressure clothes (clothes that are tight so they put pressure on burns), reusable ice packs and pain relief medication." The doctor said. "Your lift will be here shortly." Then the door clicked open and Alex walked in. "I'll leave you two." The doctor said as he slipped out of the room. "So. are the burns." Alex began awkwardly as he rocked back and forth on his heels. "They're good. They still sting a bit, but they're good." I replied. "We should get going if we want to get to school on time." With that he scooped me off the bed, carefully holding me so as not to cause me any more pain, and carried me out of the room.

When we get to his car he opens my door and places me on the seat, buckles me in and closes the door. Then walks round to his own side. When we pull out of the car park he turns the wrong way. At first I assumed that he had taken a wrong turn and that he was going to do a U-Turn. Then when he continued driving past the next intersection I got a bit worried. Where was he taking me? Was he going to rape me? What was he going to do? Am I over-exaggerating? "Where are we going?" I finally work up the courage to ask. "Don't think I'm letting you go to school without breakfast." As he said this we pulled into the drive thru at MacDonald's.
After breakfast, as we begin walking back to the car, I stop. "Hey Alex...uh..." I begin, "thanks for, uh, helping me and taking me to breakfast." I finish quickly. "You make it sound like I just took you on a date." He says. I punch him playfully in the shoulder and he laughs, then we get in the car and drive to school.

When we arrive at school, I run to my locker and unlock it. I only have a few minutes to get to class. I grab my books for my first two periods- English and French. God I hate school. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and there is a text from Alex: meet me at the gates after school. I look up from my phone to see a teacher walking down the corridor. I wonder what it could be about? I quickly shove my phone in my pocket and run up the stairs to my first classes.

As I sit in English class I begin to think- I've only known Alex for 2 proper days and we're acting like best friends. Just when the lesson seems to be going forever, the bell rings. I grab my stuff and rush out of the room and to my French class. I don't pay much attention in French- I'm to busy thinking about what Alex could possibly want to tell me that is so important that he texts
me a whole 6 and a half hours before he needs to meet me. All through recess and periods 3&4 I don't see Alex. Why is he skipping class? I hope there's nothing wrong. As I mindlessly draw on the side of my page I begin to think of worst case scenarios.

The rest of the day drags on and I am finally glad when the final bell rings, signalling the end of school. I grab my stuff and run to my locker- nearly knocking over three people in the process. I unlock my locker faster than before, throw my books into my bag, sling it over my shoulder then slam my locker shut. I run out of the main building and to the gates. When I don't see Alex I begin to assume the worst. Suddenly a strong arm grabs me around my waist. I go to scream but no words come out. I suddenly felt dizzy and very light-headed. Just before I lost consciousness I dropped to the ground and felt my self being dragged away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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