Chapter 6

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Stephens POV
2 days later
" what the hell stephen your out of hand nowadays!"my mom yelled at me.

"Steph I don't know what's your problem, but we didn't raise you like this we raised you to be a respectable human being ,this is not the Wardell we know and we won't tolerate it anymore" My dad (Dell) said.

"Honestly do whatever you want I don't really care I'm just gonna go to the NBA and leave all y'all behind if you want to be like that" I calmly said. I'm confused what they are trying to get at. But whatever it is I don't really care.

" we've made decision that it'll be best for you to go to military school for 5 months to straighten you out" my mom said while tearing up. Military school? What the fuck I'm not mad just shocked they would send me away.

"So y'all just gonna give up on me like that. Wow. Ok that's cool b." I calmly stated. I don't really mind leaving because I already have enough credits and shit and I'm good with basketball because scouts have already picked me and I'm going to Davidson college. So it doesn't matter if I don't play for a while. I needed to be on my A game in the beginning of the year but now its like 2 months into school I'll be aight. My future is set college wise so I guess this is good so I can leave that stupid ass high school.

"Wardell the second! Stop trying to make your mother feel bad. This is the best thing for you right now. Your beating up kids and bullying Ayesha!" My dad yelled at me.

"I'm not bullying her I haven't even talked to her in like 2 weeks, and the time I did talk to her it was just to tell her to move out the way. I'm not always the bad guy I just choose not to show how other people's actions effect me. But people are too sensitive nowadays. Like ma your literally crying over a decision you made, I don't mind leaving ,I don't really care at this point but it still is lowkey messed up you could just leave me like that, but it's whatever."

The room was silent for a couple minutes until I asked a question.
"Anyway when am I leaving so I can say bye to all my sons and friends?" I asked my parents.

"This Monday coming up" my mom sadly replied.

"Ma stop crying please. I'll be ok. They are probably gonna haze me but it's cool I'll get over it." I simply said.

"What does " haze" mean" my mom asked.

"Oh it's when someone new goes into one of those things and they like beat you up and then Your initiated into their group. Damn I'm not tryna get beat. It's aight tho" I said while looking back at my phone.

"Oh my goodness baby I'm so sorry" she said while wiping her tears.

" no don't cry now, I'll take pictures of my bruises so you can see what you did. Because that's what y'all want by sending me there. But like I said it's whatever." I bluntly said.

" can you please leave now if that's all you have to say to me." I said while opening the door for them signaling for them to get out. They got out and I texted everyone. I was gonna throw a big ass party before I left, I was gonna try to fuck as many girls as possible, get as drunk as possible and just do the dumbest shit possible. Because I won't be able to get laid for a while because ion know what they be doing in that school. And I ain't fucking no nigga on everything!
Ok I have 3 days till I leave, minus well make the best of it.

2 days later
Shit everyone is at my house right now! I ain't even gonna lie my parents rich as fuck and got a big ass house so this party was gonna be lit fo sure. I was drinking bottles after bottles. Everyone was dancing having a good ass time. I'm over here drunk as hell and I'm living for every second of it. So far I had sex 5 times tonight and I don't intend on stopping! My goal is at least 10. Because you know fuck it.

Ayesha Pov
I was informed Stephen was having a party but I didn't really care. I knew I wasn't going to go, because um hello I freaking hate him. I heard he's going to military school for a couple months and you don't know how happy that made me. Finally his little minions would stop taunting me. But what surprised me the most is he was happy he's going, I thought he would be scared or sum. I guess not but it's still not my business what he does with his life anymore. But what's annoying is I can hear the whole party from my window, because we're neighbors. Ugh I need to go to sleep. Until I'm interrupted by a text message.
It's from Stephen.
From Stephen: ishiboo I miss you sooooo muchhhh I'm in love withhh you come thruuuu mamas😘😘

To Stephen: leave me the hell alone wit yo drunk ass.

From Stephen: Sorry Ayesha this is Klay Stephen is like really drunk and he doesn't know what he's saying so goodnight.

I didn't bother to respond, I thought about how everything would be without him. I hate to admit it but he held this whole school up and everyone depends on his vibe to have a good day. I can't even lie there's not a lot of times you'll catch him mad, he's usually always smiling or happy and being crazy. And that's what I love about him. But he has a rabid ass mouth that I can't put up with. I hope Military school straightens him out. But knowing Stephen it'll probably do nothing for him.

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