Ready, Set..G-!

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When you go back to school in two days but you still haven't touched the assignment 

Σ('◉⌓◉') I made it back alive from school lol

I'm so sorrryyyy!!!! I've been trying to focus on school and sleeping in more;-; but it doesn't mean I won't update D: I will continue doing my best to keep up! 


After introducing yourselves in an awkward manner you both sit down and everyone finishes introducing themselves. 

"Alright class, we're heading out to the field for an examination. Here are your gym uniforms, put them on in your locker rooms and report to the field."He says dryly and exists the classroom. You all get up from your seats and walks to the designated changing room. As you're all walking a girl with sparkling brown eyes and light brown hair approaches you. 

"You're Deku's younger sibling, Y/n, right? I'm Ochako Uraraka! Nice to meet you!" She smiles, you are surprised that she could easily talk to people. Except over the years of being with Izuku you picked up a couple of habits. 

You quickly hid your face with your arm hiding your embarrassment, 

"H-Hello..! Ochako..Y-Yes..! I a-am Y/n..Nice to finally meet you..!" You stutter madly. She smiles, and continues getting to know you better. She ask you about your quirk and some funny  questions about it. You soon enough begin to warm up to her and begin having conversations with her until you feel someone watching you. You look up and see someone familiar. Someone you dread to look at. But you refuse to let him see that you're still miserable, so you fake a signature smile that you practiced and continue talking until you both are outside on the field. 

When everyone arrived Aiwaza Sensei began explaining the activity. You were to throw a ball as hard as you could but also using your quirk for extra strength. 

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Aiwaza says, we all turn to him, "If you're last in this fitness exam you'll be kicked out of UA." He deadpans. All of our jaws drop. 


You got in the chalk circle and threw the ball with all your might, when it finally landed it went 732.78 meters. It wasn't as close to Bakugo's and Izuku's but it was a start. You walked out of the circle and began running, jumping to side to side, jumping jacks, etc.  When you finally finished you fell to the floor in exhaustion. Izuku sat next to you,  "Hey...Anything happen?" He could see right through you. You stayed silent, his smile went into a small frown, "...Nothings new.." You whisper. You say up  and got up, Izuku followed you. You pat his head and told him to stop worrying so much about the rankings. You looked for your name, 


You smiled, then you looked for Izuku's. Your smile turned into a straight line. Izuku looked like he was on the verge of breaking into tears, you sat on the floor and told him everything would be okay and did exactly what he did when you were feeling down rub his head. Then Aiwazas voice took over, 

"By the way, the whole last place thing was a bluff. But still, don't stay down there." He looked at Izuku. You beamed, "See? You made it!" You squealed embracing him. Then a boy with blue jet hair and eyes approached you and Izuku, he began waving his hands all around. "Good job, Midoriya! Let's get stronger!" He reached his hand down. Izuku started smiling more, until two people approached you. It was the hot headed Bakugo and the personable Kaminari. Except Bakugo pushed past him to you.

"Outta my way, Dunce face!" He screeched.

"Bakugo! Sorry, Kami-! Ack!" You were dragged by Bakugo. Granted, it was odd he approached you to begin with, but you were both friends since you were little so you couldn't really argue.   "Baku-"

"Shut up, Y/n! I saw him glaring at you! I thought that shit fest was over in middle school!" He spat. You hung your head down, feeling tears threatening to spill. "...I-I wish it was..! I wish I could wake up and forget..! Hell..! Go to sleep and never wake up!" You yelled, covering your eyes. Ashamed of even crying at the mention of the terrible past. It wasn't your fault it even began, it was his fault and his arrogance, his stubbornness that this couldn't end easily. 

"Damn it, Y/n...Stop.."He gritted through his teeth, he placed a head on your head, "Please, stop crying." He said softly. You looked up and wiped away tears, he usually never showed kindness,but  when you did you appreciated it. "Thanks..." 

"It wasn't your fault to begin with, Y/n. Life goes on. Everything's gonna be fine. Alright?" You nodded and cleaned up and walked back. You truly wanted to believe Bakugo. You've wanted to believe it for a year, but it still came back to haunt you. You shook your head and walked back to Kaminari. 

"Sorry about that, Kaminari.." You laughed lightly. "It's alright, I just wanted to say if you wanted to walk home together..?" He said awkwardly. You laughed a bit, and smiled, "Lets do it! See you at the front!" You waved off and ran to catch up to Uraraka. 

"I can't believe the ball went to infinity, Uraraka! That's crazy amazing!" You said patting her back. She waved her hands back in forth, "Mine's not that special..!" She bashfully. "But your quirk can be used for healing too! I think that's crazy amazing!" She giggled. You both laughed. 

After you both got dressed you waited at the front gate for Izuku and Kaminari. When Deku showed up Tenya was walking with him and Kaminari was running past them. "Y/N!" He waved his hand up in the air. 

"Hellooooo" You dragged the sentance. He smiled, "Izukuuuuu!! Mom's gonna freak out if we aren't there before dinner!" You yelled. He instantly ran to you and the other followed by Iida. When everyone was there you all began walking. The entire time mostly Uraraka, Izuku, and Iida were talking. You didn't really mind, Kaminari and you had a good time talking. 

"What are you going to do when you get home?" He asks randomly. You shrug, then you remember. You point your finger to Izuku, "I have to sneak him past mom and quickly heal his finger, after that...Maybe play video games.." You trailed off.

His face lit up, "What kinda video games?" He beamed. You jumped slightly from his reaction, usually people would judge you based off your likes. He was a first to accept it. You couldn't help but smile kindly, 

"I enjoy playing My Hero's Revenge.." You coughed. (Please bear with me lol. It was gonna be My Hero's One Justice lol but I figured hey. Why not Revenge.)

" I love that game too! Have you unlocked all the characters?" He said proudly. You sigh and giggle, "Nope. I'm just missing two. The second and first ranked Villains." 

He gasped, "You haven't?! We should play sometime!" He slowed his walking. "Definitely!" You pumped your fist in the air. "I gotta go now, this is my stop. See you tomorrow?"

"Of course. Bye, Denki!" You waved. When he disappeared you caught up to Izuku and Uraraka. "Yo." 

"What's up, Y/n. Long time no see." Deku teased. You playfully hit him on the head. Soon enough Uraraka had to go too, when she did you both raced home. 

"I won!" Izuku yelled.

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