welcome to oregon

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"Mom, I'm moving to Oregon not North Dakota. I don't need snow boots." I muttered with a slight eye roll and a smirk. My mom had been eyeing the same yellow and brown plaid print boots for the last ten minutes. I had to cut her off, it was getting to be mandatory.
"Oh honey, I just want you to be prepared.. It's not gonna be like California. Oregon is colder, and rainer!" She exclaimed grabbing onto the boots as if to prove her point. However, little did she know that I was thrilled that Oregon was gonna be nothing like California. Growing up in Santa Barbara, I've thrived in the sun, but for college I couldn't wait to escape to Oregon State. I graduated exactly a month and a half ago, so the packing and shopping for college has sweetly begun.
"Fourteen hours, mom, you won't even have to worry about me. Plus, I've grown up in the ocean, I don't think I'll drown in the puddles on campus." I replied with a smile, my mom's frown instantly melted into a sweet smile.
"I know, dear, I'll just miss you." She sighed as she put the ugly snow boots back on the shelf- where they belong might I add.
" I'll miss you too, but let's be real I'll see you on facetime and in person whenever possible. Don't even trip chocolate chip." I laughed and hugged her, she hugged me back tightly.
"Alright, enough sappy stuff.. you sure you don't want these boots? They'd look adorable on you"
"Ehh.. sorry mom, hard pass.. Hard pass.." I cringed, we both erupted into a burst of laughter.

                    3 weeks later
    "OH MY GOSH I'M GONNA MISS YOU, YOU BETTER FACETIME ME BITCH" My best friend, Haze, screamed as tears rolled down her pale cheeks.

Today was the day, my going away party. All my friends were here, all scattered throughout my backyard. Some were taking pictures with the cute backdrop I set up, others were eating, and some were signing cards for me. I felt loved, all these people here to wish me goodbyes before I left in the morning. My heart hurt, however, after spending all four years with these people, I was leaving them to go to another state. The whole ordeal seemed wack.

"Ugh, everyday, bitchass it's gonna be like I never left!" I laugh and hug her tightly. Haze and I had been best friends since freshman year. We went through all the shit together, boyfriends, bad grades, booze, and other bitches.

"Hey everyone!" I announced as I stood up on a chair- I know, I'm good at being on elevated surfaces, "Thank you all for coming! These last four years have been a wild ride with all of you, and college is gonna seem so weird without seeing all of you everyday! I'll miss you all, but cheers to the future, and for all our high school reunions!" Everyone erupted in cheers and gathered me into a huge group hug. All my belongings that I was bringing were packed inside the cars.
The next morning was a blur, my whole family woke up early, ate breakfast together and we hit the road. The drive was around 14 hours and I fully intended to sleep most of the way.

"Wait, so you're saying you want me to do freshman orientation? I need to get started reading all my syllabus' and getting my shit together!" I replied, instantly regretful by the look on the dean's face, "stuff I mean, sorry sir. I just don't know if this is the best time"
"Lincoln, you are one of the brightest students in your sophomore class,  you are everything that our school represents.. Academic success, integrity, determination-"
"An insanely high alcohol tolerance?" I questioned sarcastically and instantly knew covered my mouth, "referring to people that are of age of course, which I am not."
The dean coughed uncomfortably, I could basically feel the anger radiating off him. "Alright Mr. James, you will actually be transferring to supervise the freshman halls. Buxton hall I believe will be a perfect fit. I don't want any underage drinking, and you clearly are a perfect advocate to support this school's high standards. I know the year is just starting, but I'm sure you'll find yourself right at home, because while your academics are impeccable, your maturity is at an all time low. Please leave my office, but meet at the welcome center tomorrow at 10 am for orientation."
I think I actually shit my pants. First off, living with freshman? What the actual.. No. This was social suicide, not that I was some super popular guy on campus but I knew people- attended mass amounts of study groups and parties when dragged. Ugh. I mean at least I wouldn't have to use google translate to conversate with my roommate anymore- the kid was straight outta China and honestly too smart for his own good.
Moving all the way across campus was a drag, but I bribed some of my buddies to help me, giving them full reign to make as much fun of me as they wanted. They quickly obliged of course.
I was carrying the last of my boxes, a box with some old things from home that had remained under my bed all of last year. As I was rounding the corner I collided with a small figure, but with enough force to send the box slipping out of my hands- all the contents spread across the floor. My eyes immediately went to the force- a petite brunette girl, cute that's for sure, but she looked like a deer in the headlights. A freshman. Well, I think that's what to expect when it's moving day in a first year dorm, idiot.
"I'm so sorry-"
"Gees are you okay?" We both questioned at the same time, I gave her a sly smile and looked to the ground where the contents of my box were on the floor. She bent down to help me pick up things but stopped with a giggle and small smile on her face.
"Uh, nice stuffed bunny.." As soon as the words looked her mouth I looked down to see the small object in her hands in horror. I'd had Cinna-bun since I was about five years old.
"Cinna- bun is the OG, but now that I've ruined any chance of looking cool to you.. I guess I'll just take him and get out of your hare." I replied with a wink, but couldn't keep the blush from rising in my cheeks. Gees- what a nerd.
"Haha, I thoroughly enjoyed that.. What room are you in?" She replied looking completely amused.
"301 I believe, you?"
"Uh.." She looked puzzled as she glanced at a paper in her hands, "There must be some mistake.. I'm room 301.."
"Well this just got interesting." I smirked, but knowing that there had to have been some type of typo, "Here don't freak out I'm sure it's a typing error, let's go down to the desk at the front and ask." She takes a large gulp and nods her head slowly before following my lead towards the guest desk.
"Hi, Melinda.. I think there is a confusion here, this young lady and I were assigned the same rooms.."
"Oh goodness, one moment." Melinda replied and begins typing away at her computer, "Um, no that looks to be correct, the dean wrote a note on here that since there was no other room with a private bathroom- which you both are paying for- you must room together. Plus, Mr. James you are the supervisor for this floor so you must be integrated with one of the students. Sorry, Alexandra, I hope this isn't problem."
"How is this possible?" She said dryly, her tan skin appearing paler by the second, "Ooh wait you're gay huh? Oh silly me.. that was dumb." She laughs, I begin to disagree but a loud voice booms from behind us.
"Lexi there you are! We got the rest of your stuff from the car we just have to start decorating and unpacking!" A blonde, older version of this girl-lexi- I presume smiles as she approaches us, "Oh made a new friend already?" She winks.
"Uh, this is my roommate.." Lexi mumbles
"Wait what?!" Now there is  whole family gathered around us, all looking at us- at me- with wild and puzzled looks.
"Don't worry he's gay, his name is..." She mumbles off and looks at me.
"Lincoln, Lincoln James. I'm also the supervisor for this floor." I smile charmingly and shake the hands of her family.
"Ohhhh," They all sigh in relief, "Nice to meet you. You can help us decorate Lexi's room!"
"Yay" I force a smile and follow her family into the cozy dorm.
Hours pass by and finally Lexi's family has left and the room is almost all put together, there is not as much on the walls as I thought there would be, she has  neon sign that says "Let's dance" and a few pictures in frames hanging on the wall. She's pretty stylish, at least compared to my grid sheets, textbooks piled on my desk, and a few photos of friends and family from back home. Lexi stirs away organizing her desk and finishes putting the last few tops away on hangers.
"Hey so, you know any fun places to go out tonight? I've hear Corvallis is pretty small.. I'm from Santa Barbara in California so I'm kinda new." She asks me shyly as I laid on my bed scrolling through a few different social media pages.
"Yeah, I think I know a fun spot.. Welcome to Oregon, Barb" I say with a wink. 


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