Chapter one- home

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Beneath the starred soles of my converse shoes, the gravel crunched as I paced towards the front door. The lights inside were dimmed by the thin cream curtains which hung lifeless in front of the windows.
The door creaked open and a sense of deathly quietness filled the house.
'Mum? Logan?' I called into the empty darkness.
I crept into the silent lounge where Logan, my twin brother sat, staring into the dark TV screen. His face was pale with thick, black lines surrounding ruby red stained eyes. His usual bouncy, energetic, enthusiastic self sat, crouched small into the arms of our beige, worn sofa.
'Logan?' I called again, my voice wracked with worry as I rushed over and bent down in front of him.
As I laid my hands on his knees, he shivered slightly provoking a single tear to trickle down his ghostly white face.
'Logan?' I stared into his eyes sympathetically. 'What's wrong? What's happened?'
Blankly, he remained fixated on the TV screen behind me, almost as if he was staring right through me.
'Logan honey?' Mum's voice echoed through the hall as the quiet clatter of her slippers neared closer and her slim figure approached the lounge door.
She too looked pale, fatigued and red eyed.
'Mum?' My voice cracked in fear. 'What's happened?'
Her gaze loosely shifted to mine for a fraction of a second before she peered down to the mugs of tea in her hand. She entered the room, her body suddenly appearing old, her legs shuffling towards the coffee table where she carefully placed the two steaming mugs before sitting down on the edge of the sofa next to Logan.
I watched them in a trance, my body frozen in fear as I slowly realised.
The events of the past three days unfolded before me, my head shook in disbelief as they held on to each other, tears flooding from their eyes like rivers, cascading down their cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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