chapter 5

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Cash's pov:
Ever since the night of the barbeque, when me and dani almost kissed, I couldn't get her off my mind. She had flew back to her home town for a couple days to see her grandma cause she got put into a resting home. I couldn't get her out of my head. Her lips, her voice, her smile, her laugh, her everything.. it was stuck in my head. I have only known her for a week and I already feel like I'm falling for her. "Cash, someones here for you" I hear mav yell from downstairs. I get up and walk down stairs and see dani by the door. I run to her and wrap my arms around her. "I missed you dani" I say sighing as I whiff in her sent. "I missed you to cash" she says. After a few seconds we pull away. "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house" she says. "Yeah, sure!" I say excitedly. I run upstairs and changed into a different outfit and grab my phone then head down stairs again.

As we get to dani's house I hear barking. When did dani get a dog? She unlocks her door and two pups run to us. "Oh my god there so cute!! When did you get them!?" I ask. "A few days ago" she says. "That one is miska and that one is koko" she says as she points to them one by one. I nod and pick up koko.

After a few hours we end up in her bed watching vampire diaries. I decide to make a move. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and to my surprise she leans in. I smile to myself. I grab the remote and pause the show. I set up and she does the same. "What's wrong?" She ask. "Nothing its just... I know I have only know you for like a week and we dont know each other that well but I really like you dani... alot... " I say. "Cash.. I feel the same way. Everytime I'm around you, I get butterfly's in ny stomach and when we touch I get this staticy feeling... I really like you too cash" she says smiling. I lean in and she does the same. Finally with out any interruptions I finally get to feel her soft lips against mine. At one point I end up setting up against her head board with her in my lap and my hands resting on her hips.
I can't believe this is happening! I can't believe I'm kissing dani. We finally stop making out. Its quiet for a few seconds before I decide to speak. "Dani, can I take you out on a date this weekend?" I ask staring her in the eyes. "Yes you can" she says smiling. I smile and lean in and kiss her soft lips one more times before deciding it's time to leave.

Dani's pov:
I walk cash to the door and see maverick in the drive way waiting for him. I give him a hug goodbye and then shut the door. I walk back upstairs and see my pups laying on the bed. I smile at them. I lay down and they snuggled into my sides like the other night. I rub there soft fur as I fall asleep.

I wake up and roll out of bed. I take a quick shower and put on some sweat peats and a sleeping with sirens shirt. I put on some converse and grab my phone before I start my walk to school.

I walk into the building but I dont see cash. I start to get worried but I see maverick by his locker. I walk over to him. "Hey where's cash?" I ask. "Home. Sick" he says. I nod. He walks off without even saying bye. What's with him? I shake it off and head to my first period but get pulled into the girls bathroom. My heart speeds up. I see alyssa and her 2 friends and then some guy I don't know. I pull my phone out and call cash but the phone gets knocked out of my hand. "I told you to stay away from cash, and you didn't listen" she says smirking. "Its time for your punishment". The guy walks closer to me as Alyssa and her friends walk out. He shoves me to the wall and puts his hands tightly on my waist. His hands roam up my shirt before taking it off. Please no... just as he gets my bra off the door opens and in walks cash.. my hero. The guy drops me to the floor and I quickly cover up not wanting cash to see me. "Get away from her Andy" cash says with a deep deadly voice. Andy puts his hands up and walks out with out and care in the world. I hurriedly get my clothes on and then bring my knees up to my chest. "Dani..." he says walking closer to me. He sets beside me but doesn't touch me.. good. "I'm sorry..." he says. "Its fine. You protected me.. your my hero cash.. you didn't break your promise" I say looking at him while wiping my tears. "Thank you" I say. He nods and wraps his arms around me.

Its lunch time and cash is still with me. "Cash go home. Your sick you need rest. I'll be fine" I say. "No I'm staying. Andy hasn't taken his eyes off you since he saw your... area" he says pointing to my chest. I nod not being able to form words since he as well saw my chest. I shake the thought and continue eating.

By the time its the end of the day, I have felt creeped out cause Andy Keats staring at me. I shake the feeling off and head home.

I walk through the door and into the living room and set down on my couch. I turn on the TV and watch some supernatural and end up dozing off.

Cash's pov:
I walk up to dani's door and knock but get no answer. I check and see if the door is unlocked and it is. I walk in and I hear the tv on in the living room. I walk into there and see dani sleeping. I set down and put her legs onto my lap and then grab a cover from beside me and cover her up. I look at the TV and watched whatever she was watching and end up falling asleep with a beautiful girl who I want to be called mine laying beside me..

New update!!! Please vote and comment suggestions as to what I should write for the next chapter. Thank you for everyone who is enjoying this story. ♡

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