The Ultimate Troll: Part 2

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so anyways, STORYTIME

So this happened a year ago, with my other author friend @Jungookie_oppa_ (you can advertise yourself here), maybe less but who cares. At the time, I was in a call with her, and I was playing Destiny 2, talking about some untrustworthy people. At the time, it seemed like a good idea to tell everyone that we were dating, just to see if it would spread around.

Keep in mind, we weren't dating yet, so we thought it was a good idea. So, to start the 'social experiment,' we decided to text one of our friends that spreads info, to see if he would spread the information far and wide.

After this, we waited. We waited for around a few months, but still nothing happened. 

But at this point, we decided to tell more of our friends about it. Some of them included a tall gay one, a short male, a man who dresses like an uncle, and an Entity higher than God (this joke is for my friends if they ever read this). 

So, most recently, actually the day I'm writing this, something happened. One of the friends that we didn't expect to tell, practically shouted it out, causing the rumor to literally spread across our batch, which, now that we think about it, isn't really a thing we minded but it was a thing we didn't exactly want either.

I mean, originally, the main point was to get it to spread. That changed when the person in question decided to speak about it in public. 

At first, we were all like "WHO THE FUCK DID THIS, IM GOING TO RIP THEIR SOUL OUT AND FEED IT TO THE VILEST FILTH IN HELL." That's an exaggeration, but you get the point. Right after, it became like "Eh, I don't really care anymore." At this point, we decided "Hey, we tell everyone we broke up, and then we let all the rumors just die down."

I mean, that's all I got on this tbh, you go ask the other author if you wanna know anything else.

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