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"oh my god? seriously? you've gotta be kidding me!"

"not at all. jennie kim from the dance team asked our jichoo out but she said no—"

"ahaha that must be a first!"

the small group of girls flocking around the oldest trunk in the yard could easily win over the birds in term of chirping and tittering, even though not all of them are so keen on the current topic.

"guys! can you stop talking about it for a while!" jisoo, the main character of the story literally whined and buried both hands into the turf of hazel hair in frustration. naturally, she seeks help in the best friend of hers, or more accurately, hides herself behind the elder. "rosieeee—"

"you can't blame us." one of them plops on jisoo's side and puts her whole weight on the victim of the gossiping. "and we're just embracing you for what to come. wait till the words are spread, that you reject the famous jennie."

jisoo thinks she can actually burst into joyful tears when rosé finally speaks up, the amiable voice easily soaring above the eager giggles, matching the tender smile gracing her plump lips. "it won't be that bad. i think jennie won't hold any grudge against jichoo. she seems like a nice person to be friend with."

due to being the eldest amongst them and currently already studying master, rosé does have a saying, and she's subtle enough to know what to say and which tone to use. the finality in her statement put a halt to the jokes targeting jisoo, and the younger sent a grateful look towards her direction.

unfortunately, rosé never caught even just a glimpse of it.

the stream of freshmen rushing out from multiple classrooms quickly drew everyone's attention. as much as the girls claimed to have no interest in younger boys, it doesn't hurt to scan through the crowd for a few eye-candy materials. the chattering of the juniors involves various matters; from serious themes such as this professor gives them too much homework or that lesson is quite difficult to comprehend, to more casual ones like dating and hanging out, voluntary activities and clubs to join, their vividness soon invaded the previous tranquility and stirring the atmosphere up remarkably.

and rosé—she has her eyes on someone too.

she's good at carrying and controlling herself, so no one could tell that she was literally ogling at a tall, slim figure in a sea of people. the poor little heart ruthlessly rammed against her ribcage as the younger slowly moved into her sight, tight shirt complementing the lean torso, baggy pants flaunting a spontaneous and confident personality, and the backpack slung over a shoulder was a cherry on top for a simple yet attractive appearance. the girl—lisa—went straight towards the rendezvous with her own mates; rosé knows two of them, ten and bambam, merely because the boys are very friendly and enthusiastic in quite everything they do. the rest, including lisa, seemed to enjoy the peace amongst their narrowed circle of friends who come from the same culture and speak the same language.

as rosé wasn't the passive type of girl, the little attempts conducted in order to learn a few more things about lisa already reached two digits, but none of them was actually encouraging. she discovered that the younger could converse in korean, and was almost bouncing on her feet in delight, until further observation enlightened her how awkward lisa was with the foreign language, and that discomfort was completely gone as soon as she is surrounded by fellow thais. if she was gonna talk to lisa, she wanted words to spill from smiling lips instead of stiff tongue and sputtering mouth.

the tightly packed schedule doesn't allow rosé to invest time in a new language, one she's unlikely to need for study and work, thus she helplessly watches from afar like this when lisa is absorbed in a conversation with the others, and suffers painful pangs against the heart when they do something overly intimate; an arm thrown over the shoulders, a smile too bright for eyes, and subconscious snuggles.

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