Chapter 9-NYC

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-Just a reminder I know that the boys don't go to Magcon anymore but I started this fanfic when they weren't split up so I can't really split them up in the story until I get to a certain part-

We arrived in New York around 4 hours later, since we drove the vans and didn't fly. Once again we entered our hotel and got our keys from the desk in the lobby. I entered the clean hotel room behind Aaron and threw my things on the bed. "What if I wanted that bed" he raised an eyebrow at me, indicating he was just messing with me. "You wouldn't get it because it's mine" I said walking over to the couch and plopping down on it. I unlocked my phone and got onto twitter, I was scrolling through my time line when there was a knock on the door. Soon after Aaron had answered the door and Carter, Matt, Nash, Hayes, and Taylor entered.

Everyone took a seat next to me on the couch or at the table in the corner, except Hayes. Hayes decided to sit right on my lap, practically crushing me in the process. "Uh I think this seat is already taken" I said before pushing Hayes off of me and getting off the couch. "Oh I think Cam wanted you to go over to his room" Nash said to me, throwing his room key at me. I caught the key and made my way to the door "don't get pregnant!" Matt yelled before I shut the door behind me.

I walked down the hall and swiped the card key on Cam's door. The red light turned green and I pushed the door open. I saw Cameron sitting on the couch staring at his computer. "Hey" he said not looking up from his Mac-Book. "Hi" "C'mere" he finally looked up at me and patted the spot next to him. I walked over to the couch, plopping down on it and leaning into Cam. "So I have a question"

"And I most likely have an answer"

"Okay. Um, So I was kinda wondering, if you would, maybe,-"

"Spit it out Cam"

"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Yes, I would love to"

"Okay. Be ready by 6:00, dress casual

I laughed before kissing Cam on the cheek and walking back to my hotel room. That gives me a little more then 3 hours to get ready. Once I got back to the room thankfully no one was there.

I went to my suitcase and decided to wear my grey alien shirt with white ripped skinny jeans, a denim vested hoodie, and my grey vans. I put the clothes on and turned on my curling iron, while it was heating up I put on light makeup but cat eyed my eyeliner to make my hazel/green eyes pop.

I was done getting ready and it was now 5:43, giving me some time to just chill out

I sat down on the couch with Aaron and got onto my phone, deciding to text Ryan about what's happening.

"Hey, got a date with Cameron tonight;)))"

"Ooh kill em' good luck"


I locked my phone when there was a knock at the door. I got off of the couch and walked towards the door, sending a quick wave to Aaron before opening it to be met by Cam. "Hey" he smiled before I shut the door and stepped out into the hall. "Hi"

"You look good"

"Same to you"

Cam was wearing a plain red shirt with black skinny jeans and red vans. Casual, but hella attractive.

"You ready?"


He grabbed my hand and led me down the hall to the elevator, hitting the glowing number one for the first floor. "Where are we going?" I asked, leaning on the back wall of the elevator. "you're not gonna know till we get there" He says walking out of the elevator when it reached the lobby. Leading me out of the hotel, we walked into the busy city of New York, his grip on my hand tightened as he led me through the sidewalk down the street. About 5 minutes later we arrived, "Central Park?!" I ask excitedly looking over at Cameron. "Mhmm" he hummed kissing my temple and taking me into the place I've always wanted to go to since I was a child.

We sat on a nearby bench next to the lake, "this is beautiful" you say in awe. "You know what else is beautiful?" Cam says looking at you "you're such a flirt" I say leaning into him. "I know" he smiles, "let's go walk" I say getting up and grabbing his hand.


After the walk we leave the park and go to a nearby diner down the street, we sit down in one of the booths in the crowded restaurant that smelled like dust and deep fryers. "Thank you Cam, for this" I said reaching across the table and grabbing his hand. "Anything for Stella" he smirked.


Once we got back we split up and went to separate rooms. "Hey Aaron" i said before entering the bathroom and taking a shower. I threw on some sweatpants and a tank top, plopping down on my bed and quickly falling asleep.


"Stella! Wake up!!" Someone shouted, I opened my eyes to see Aaron running around. I check my phone to see its 5:12 AM. "Aaron what the hell?! It's too early!" I yell laying back down. "No it isn't! Get up and go get food!" He says sitting on the couch. "Ugh no" I get up from my bed and walk out of the hotel room.

I walk down the hall and knock on Nash and Cam's door. After standing there for like four years, Nash finally answers the door. "What do you want" he groans, "why did no one tell me Aaron was going to wake me up at 5 in the morning to get food?" I said squinting my eyes because of the bright light. "Ohh, he sleep walks, and sleep talks, sorry for not mentioning that." He says leaning in the doorway. "Whatever just let me in I don't wanna be in there" I said pushing past him and walking towards Cameron's bed. I quietly laid down and slid closer to him, he slowly opened his eyes enough to look at me. A smile appeared on his face and he pulled me into him. I closed my eyes and once again fell asleep.

This took me like 184737 thousand years to finish bc of school, sports, and my step brother's motocross races every weekend. Sorry! iphone 6 YAYYY! But I already cracked it so..boooo! Okay bye starting on the next chapter now!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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