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You, Mikasa, Eren, and Armin where eating lunch at the Mess Hall in the Scouting Legion HQ. You where talking to Mikasa about how she should really stop wanting to kill Corporal Levi.

"He could have killed my brother, (Y/N)! you want me to just let that go!" she stormed at you.

"Mikasa! All three of us knew that Eren was a shifter before the trail! Yeah, I was pissed to but that was in the past! So common, let it go!"

"You wouldn't understand, (Y/N)!" she snapped at you, bringing back painful memories from when Wall Maria fell.

"I know that pain all to well, Mikasa...all to well..." you said, starting to pick at your food rather than eat it. Realizing what she said she apologize and you said it didn't matter, it was in the past. Then almost as fast as the Colossal Titan, there was an excited looking Hanji holding something behind her back. you flinched at the sudden appearance of the crazy Titan girl.

"H-Hey Hanji, what's up?" you asked confused and a bit scared.

"Oh I just wanted you to try this new drink I invented." she smiled at you easing your worries a bit, and she shoved it in front of you.


"Yes? What is it (Y/N)?"

"You sure this is safe? Last time I did this, it gave me spikes on my back..." You pointed to you'r back which still had scars.

"It's completely safe, I'll drink some myself." She said pulling out another glass of the same liquid and drinking it. Nothing happened.

"Okay, I'll drink it." You drank the contents if the glass but darkness quickly surrounded you.

~a few hours later~

"Nngh..." your (E/C) eyes fluttered open, only to reveal that you where in Hanji's study.

"Where nyam I..." you said quietly to yourself, reaching up to hold your head only to find something soft and fuzzy, you tried pulling it off which only caused major pain.

"REOOOAWR!" You hisses holding your (H/C) ear and nuzzling it.

"I see out little kitty is awake." Hanji turned towards you, you look in her direction only to be picked up by someone, then placed back down... Wait! Did someone just pick you up?! You must've shrunk when you drank whatever it was that Hanji gave you.

"H-HANJI!? EXPLAIN! RIGHT MEOW!" You hissed, you (H/C) tail puffing out. "AND WHO THE HELL PICKED ME UP!?"

"Sorry, Brat. but you where sitting on your tail..." a familiar voice said. it was the Corporal. What the hell was he doing here?

"Tail?" you asked cocking your head to the right.

"Well, who's gonna take care of her, Four Eyes? Cause I ain't." You have him a small glare.

"I could take care of her... how bout' it (Y/N)?"

"Hell no! knowing mew Hanji, mew'd probably just experiment on me!" you said as you climbed up on to the top of Hanji's book case. so the Midget or the freak couldn't get you. you hissed.

"Fine, I'll go and find some people who would want to care for you." Hanji said getting up and leaving but she poked her head back inside the room. "Levi, watch her please." then she left.

"Guess I have no other choose..." you both sighed.

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