The Words That I Wrote And Don't Understand

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In life, me and a friend we're having a FRIENDLY argument.
I sent this message:

I'm saying the opposite of what you are saying so it means we are doing the opposite of what you think we are doing. I don't understand that but you do the opposite so you will understand even though I don't and never will. I'm not sure if that means that you already understand this or will understand this. I know your use of words is not good which means mine is. I think this is actually an important message so you might just laugh this off but now it is one against two so join the side you want to be on. Personally, I'm on both sides which means ether you want a third option, pick none, pick the first one, or pick the second one. Leaves a lot of options right? Doing the opposite of something can be a completely different thing depending on the person.


Draco: Exactly the point

Yep! That actually happened! I could show you the whole conversation but it has my friends name and I don't want her private information in the world without her permission. Also, it was a FRIENDLY battle with each other!!! No hate to either side!!!

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