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Y/B/N greets you with a hug, and surprisingly so does Y/C/F, but you know how long he's liked Y/B/N so you hug back and say hi. Y/C/N fumbles with his hands looking down at his feet, Y/B/N nudges him in the arm then he looks up at you.

His Y/C/E/C [your crush's eye colour] eyes meet yours as he pulls you into a tight hug. Shocked, you hug him back and embrace the moment. His cologne lingered in the air as you let go of him. You unknowingly smile at him, smiling turned into a dazed stare. He looks at you and smiles back at you which pulls you out of your trance. You feel your face turn bright red, but quickly look away.

Y/B/N coughs and hints that we should go inside.

Y/B/N suggests that we watch a movie, she picks out F/M [your favourite movie] knowing how much you enjoy it.

Y/B/N and Y/C/F sit next to each other joking around, "they'd make such a cute couple" you think to yourself.  You make your way to the opppsite side of the couch and sit down. Y/C/N sits down next to you, your heart stopped for a second as he put his arm around you pulling you close. You then catch yourself staring at him again, you must've been smiling like a dork because he looks at you and says "you've got a cute smile." Smirking as he said it.

The movie continues and you don't even realise that you've been leaning into Y/C/N's chest until he wraps his arms around you hugging you tightly.

Y/B/N notices what's happening and giggles. Y/C/F looks over at you two and is quietly cheering Y/C/N on. 

~time skip~

The movie ended and the four of us sat around chatting about the latest gossip.

Just enjoying each others company, you don't realise how late it's became.

You were the first to leave saying your goodbyes and hugging everyone, you grab your stuff and get up to leave. Y/C/N offers to drive you home, you don't refuse. Y/C/N opens the passenger door for you (what a gentleman) 

then gets into the he drivers seat. "God he's so handsome" you think to yourself. You quietly just stare at him and smile. You direct him into your street and up towards your house. You get out of the car with Y/C/N following you towards your front door.

 You stand under the porch light gazing into each other's eyes. He breaks the silence by saying how he had a great time and was wondered get if you wanted to hang out again soon. Of course you say yes and then exchanged numbers. After chatting for a bit outside you give him a tight hug before saying goodnight. His stunned look made you giggle as you walked into your house, he waved back at you as he walked to his car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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