007 [#NP: Rainy Blue]

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"Last concert before military?" A beard guy patted Jinki's arm as Jinki nodded and chuckled. "I heard you are going to sing a song written by you?" The guy asked. "Actually, I wrote the lyrics but Taemin had the melody." The guy gave him a thumbs up and walked away. "Okay 5 more minutes everyone!" the PD clapped his hand to give a cue to get ready. Jinki gathered the rest of the members and gave them a briefing.

"The first performance is Good Evening, let's not put too much energy as the next would be I Want You. Especially Minho and Jonghyun, control the energy okay?" Jonghyun and Minho nodded. The five of them put their hands together and did their SHINee way of 'hwaiting' and went up to perform Good Evening as it started with Jonghyun's angelic and sexy voice, and harmonized by Jinki. With the dancing machine Taemin slaying the dance and Minho's rap. Not to forget Kibum's diva-ness that was poured into the whole performance.

It was Jinki's turn to perform a solo stage, which was a song written by himself. The stage started with Taemin playing the piano with full of emotions. Jinki entered the stage as the crowd shouted at his entrance. Jinki took a deep breath as he sang the first verse of the song,

'I cant see anybody, at midnight. Its raining outside of the telephone box. Before I finished dialing a familiar phone number, I stopped my finger.'
'Being wet in the cold rain, I remembered a sad story.'
'On your way to home, at the intersection, only I stopped walking.'

He saw his father left the house and couldn't help it but to call his sister. "Okay little sis! Have fun in Jeju with mom and dad!" Jinki hung the phone and closed his eyes and tears fell. "What have I done?"

"Jinri should live with me." Jinki's mother stated. "No she should live with me instead." Jinki's father pressed. Jinki sat across the lawyer as the lawyer signed some documents. 'Seems like they're really divorcing...' Jinki thought to himself.

"Cant I at least meet Jinri? Omma? Please? Its my birthday?" Jinki pleaded. "No Jinki. Not until the agreement of Jinri living with Omma is done. Your dad will be using this tactic to set trap of taking Jinri with him." Jinki's mother sighed. "Then, let me just see her for a sec, even from a far."

It was pouring hard as Jinki saw a figure looking around to see if there's someone. He took a look again and recognize his little sister. "Jin..ri." He smiled. He was shocked seeing how thin she had become and how her hair got slightly longer. It was only 2 months but it felt like years. Jinri ran to the telephone box and entered phone number. Jinki took out his phone from his pocket and waited for the call but he saw Jinri giving up and cried. It hurts seeing his baby sister that way. He failed, he failed to avoid his sister from experiencing the same pain, the same loneliness. He had fail as a brother. His sister walked to back home as Jinki was following her from behind. But right at the intersection, he stopped walking as his sister slowly becoming a dot.

"I'm sorry, little sis." 

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