Lightning. It can be symbolic. A sign of strength, power and spontaneity. No one dares question it, no one tries to stand against it. And yet, despite its off putting attitude and demeanor, it is still beautiful, intense and captivating. Those who notice it, can’t bring themselves to look away. In a way, you could call it addictive, and that was what he was. James.
The Ocean. It can be symbolic too. A show of depth, turbulence and unrelenting force. No one should approach it unless they are prepared for it to drag you under its tides and never let go. It can be utterly unpredictable and suddenly shift in a different direction, slamming you against the rocks. And yet, despite all that, you can always trust it to be itself. It is completely entrancing, teeming with adventure, and there is always something new to discover about it. This is what she was like. Ashe.
Each of them were strong and unchanging in their own ways, clearly not people to be messed with. And anyone who had the chance to meet both prayed and crossed their fingers, hoping the two would never cross paths. Somehow, they all knew if that ever happened, it would cause a storm from which no one would recover.
‘There will be more to come.’