part 8

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Those thoughts he had at the end of the night were the same thoughts like the ones now, a day ago and the last 7 years or so. His father told that him often, too often to Hobi's liking.

Yoongi knew now that Hobi wasn't real. How could he possibly know everything about Yoongi. Through that "portal" they found years back? That's just hilarious.

Even though Yoongi knew that Hoseok wasn't real, Yoongi looked forward to meet him every night. Telling about his day, what the new gossip was at their school or just longing for the physical contact between the two of them.

Hoseok was a great listener. Yoongi knew he was because he made him up, but also because of the fact that Hoseok always brought solutions to Yoongi's problems.

Hoseok was and still is always able to calm Yoongi down. His voice and body warmth perfectly made a path through the dark clouds in Yoongi's head that resembled his problems.

To say Yoongi had developed a soft spot for the boy would be an major understatement.

To say Yoongi had developed the biggest crush ever on a not existing person would have been more accurate.

Yoongi had often thought about how the world, his world, would be if Hoseok was a middle-schooler just like him. He could play video games with him, go outside with him and most importantly, he'd have a friend for the first time in his life.

Yoongi had become a very quiet person. He didn't want to annoy people so he just stayed quiet. Nobody in his class seemed to mind him being silent. He did get bullied but it was far less then in his elementary school, which Yoongi was grateful for.

His home situation, however, became worse over time. Before that one night, his parents would often fight in the living room when Yoongi was supposed to be sleeping. At first, they were just discussions about Yoongi needing to visit a psychologist. But as time went on, physical fights weren't unusual.

As Yoongi looked back on his younger years, he really didn't know where it went wrong. He didn't do anything wrong, but was and is apparently still a crazy lunatic that both his mother and father didn't adore or liked in any way judging from what both of them said to each other during their fights.

"You don't care about him. You never have." Was a common thing both of them told each other during fights.

Yoongi didn't get it. If they really cared about him, they wouldn't yell at the other, because Yoongi disliked that. They wouldn't cuss and yell at Yoongi when they had an argument, because he disliked that. But most importantly, they'd accept him for who he was, which they both didn't, and Yoongi hated that.

Yoongi knew. He knew he was gay. He'd never liked a single girl in a way that came close to his feelings he had for mister Park when he was young, and for Hoseok now.

Even if both of his parents didn't accept him, there were obvious differences of how they handled Yoongi's sexuality.

His mother wouldn't want to hear about it. He had told Yoongi ever since she found out what back in 1st grade that he should do want he wanted to do, but she wouldn't be happy with it. She also didn't want to hear about boys, his boyfriend if he had one and she definitely didn't want to hear about his sexual escapades.

Yoongi's father, however, was far worse than his mother. He would constantly make jokes about Yoongi's sexuality, saying he's a girl, that he should wear dresses and a few days ago, his father threw a tampon at his face.

Sadly, it didn't stop there. Yoongi's father often came home drunk and called Yoongi a sissy and would rant about how he must have committed a murder in his past life to deserve a child like Yoongi.

Sometimes, he even hit Yoongi. His father would always tell him that he just wanted to "beat the gay" out of his son. And if Yoongi dared to say anything to the police, his father would make sure the faces of the policemen were the last thing Yoongi saw in his life.

To say that Yoongi was petrified by his father's treats was an understatement.

Yoongi knew, if his father already hit him when he was drunk, he would be capable of doing way more.

Yoongi sat on his bed in his room, trying to his homework even though he had no idea what he was doing. His father, as usual, went to the bar to get a few drinks.

Why does Yoongi know this? It was currently 9 pm and his father hadn't come home yet, which wasn't much of a surprise for him anyway.

After an hour, when Yoongi has long given up on his homework assignments, he heard the front door open and heard some slurred voice calling his name.

Yoongi knew, if he didn't go downstairs this instant, his father would beat him up. So he ran, ran downstairs as if his life depended on it.

Yoongi saw his father standing in the living room, drunk, as usual.

"Yoongi-," his father began but he stopped midway. He was clearly way too drunk to even stand up straight.

"Yoongi, you k-know dad's in a though fina- financial si-situation right n-now, r-right?" His father began.

"Y-yes father." Yoongi said.

"Well, y-you know daddy can't af-afford much rig-right now right?" His father slurred.

"Yes father"

"Well, da-dad has been liv-living wit-without a woman to f-fuck, and he ca-can't aff-afford pay a wh-whore."

Yoongi's face turned white. He didn't know why his father was telling him this. Yoongi chose not to comment and to, slowly, back away from father.

His father however, noticed what Yoongi was trying to do and slapped him in his face.


Yoongi, feeling a stinging pain on his cheek, began crying.

"Please father, let me go." Yoongi pleaded, but without success.

"Oh y-you're not g-going an-an-anywhere," His father said calmly. "Sin-since I don't h-have a ch-chick to fu-fuck, I'm go-going to u-use the nex-next best th-thing." His father said and looked Yoongi straight in the eyes.

Yoongi gulped and tried his hardest to fight back, to bite his father, to punch him, to scream loud enough so his neighbors would come and rescue him. Just trying to struggle as much as he could to get out of his father's grip

But Yoongi wasn't strong enough. The punches and bites didn't do anything. His neighbors didn't come to rescue him. Yoongi couldn't get out of his father's grip. Yoongi began to cry his heart out as he rrealizedthere was ni way he would get away from his father.

"Sto-stop stru-struggle-ling so m-much. You're g-gay you sh-should l-love th-this."

That night was, by far, the worst night Yoongi ever experienced. And the night Yoongi need Hoseok's comfort the most.

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